Declaration Levels Local and Member Variables Alocal variableis one that is declared within a procedure. Amember variableis a member of a Visual Basic type; it is declared at module level, inside a class, structure, or module, but not within any procedure internal to that class, structure, ...
You use a normal declaration statement to declare an object variable. For the data type, you specify either Object (that is, the Object Data Type) or a more specific class from which the object is to be created.Declaring a variable as Object is the same as declaring it as System.Object...
DimvariablenameAs[New] { objectclass |Object} 您也可以在宣告中指定Public、Protected、Friend、Protected Friend、Private、Shared或Static。 下列範例宣告有效: VB PrivateobjAAsObjectStaticobjBAsSystem.Windows.Forms.LabelDimobjCAsSystem.OperatingSystem
In Visual Basic, properties are class members you use to expose an object’s state to the outside world. A typical property declaration looks something like this: Private _Country As String Property Country As String Get Return _Country End Get Set(ByVal value As String) _Country = value ...
Variables in Visual Basic Variable Declaration Object Variables Object Variable Declaration Object Variable Declaration How to: Access Members of an Object Object Variable Assignment Object Variable Values Object Variable Values How to: Refer to the Current Instance of an Object ...
Object Variable Declaration Object Variable Assignment Object Variable Assignment How to: Declare an Object Variable and Assign an Object to It in Visual Basic How to: Make an Object Variable Not Refer to Any Instance Object Variable ValuesLearn...
' Include this declaration at module level (not inside any procedure). Public strMsg As String 命名空间范围包括嵌套的命名空间。 命名空间中可用的元素也可在该命名空间内嵌套的任何命名空间内使用。如果项目不包含任何 Namespace 语句,则项目中的所有内容都位于同一命名空间中。 在这种情况下,可以将命名空间范...
如果原始程式碼不包含Option Explicit陳述式,即使用編譯頁面、專案設計工具 (Visual Basic)上的Option Explicit設定。 如果使用命令列編譯器,即使用 [-optionexplicit] 編譯器選項。 在IDE 中設定 Option Explicit 在方案總管中選取專案。 按一下[專案]功能表上的[屬性]。
Visual Basic Language ReferenceDim Statement (Visual Basic) Declares and allocates storage space for one or more variables.[ <> ] [ ] [[ Shared ] [ Shadows ] | [ Static ]] [ ReadOnly ] Dim [ WithEvents ] Optional. See Attribute List. Optional. Can be one of the following: Public ...
Now that we have seen a few of the new features in Visual Basic 9.0, let us drill down into a more detailed overview. Implicitly Typed Local Variables In an implicitly typed local-variable declaration, the type of the local variable is inferred from the initializer expression on the right-ha...