MsgBox 函式語法 Option Compare 語句語法 Dim 語句語法 另請參閱 Visual Basic 說明主題中方法、函式或語句的語法會顯示正確使用方法、函式或語句所需的所有專案。 本主題中的範例說明如何解譯最常見的語法元素。 Activate 方法語法 物件。啟動 在Activate方法語法中,斜體字 「object」 是您所提供資訊的佔位元,在...
MsgBox 函数语法 Option Compare 语句语法 Dim 语句语法 另请参阅 方法、函数或语句的 Visual Basic 帮助主题中的语法显示了正确使用方法、函数或语句所需的所有元素。 此主题中的示例解释如何解释最常见的语法元素。 Activate 方法语法 对象。激活 在Activate方法语法中,斜体字“object”是你提供的信...
MsgBox 函数语法 Option Compare 语句语法 Dim 语句语法 另请参阅 方法、函数或语句的 Visual Basic 帮助主题中的语法显示了正确使用方法、函数或语句所需的所有元素。 此主题中的示例解释如何解释最常见的语法元素。 Activate 方法语法 对象。激活 在Activate方法语法中,斜体字“object”是你提供的信息的占位符,在本...
Use MsgBox instead of MessageBox.Show or Console.WriteLine. In environments that do not support the MsgBox function, such as Silverlight, use an appropriate alternative. Use the My Namespace Use My features in preference to the .NET Framework class library or the Visual Basic run-time library....
‘Visual Basic 6.0 Public SSN As String Public FirstName As String Public LastName As String Public Salary As Currency 在集合中存储这个类相对简单一些: Dim employees As New Collection Dim emp As Employee Set emp = New Employee emp.SSN = “-11-1111" ...
MsgBox(My.WebServices.Numbers.NumToStr(123.45)) TheMynamespace has been devised to make it simpler for Visual Basic developers to accomplish their goals with less work, and with less searching through multiple namespaces. You'll find that many arduous tasks in previous releases are now only a ...
To enable automatic syntax checking, select the Auto Syntax Check check box on the Editor tab of the Options dialog box (Tools menu). Drag and drop If you want to move code you've written from one place to another in a module or between windows, you don't need to bother with the ...
MsgBox("没有空余的座位。") Exit Sub Finally MsgBox("谢谢您对我们的音乐会感兴趣。") End Try Exception 对象 Exception对象提供所发生异常的有关信息。每次发生异常时,都将设置Err对象的属性,并创建一个新的Exception对象实例。查看其属性可以确定代码位置、类型以及异常的起因。
[VBA] Sub GoToDemo() Dim Num Num = 1 If Num > 0 Then GoTo Error MsgBox Num Exit Sub Error: MsgBox "Error!!!" End Sub [Visual Basic] Sub GoToDemo() Dim Num As Integer Num = 1 If Num > 0 Then GoTo ErrorLabel MsgBox(Num) Exit Sub ErrorLabel: MsgBox("Error!!!") End Sub ...
Do not use the following syntax: VB Copy Dim letters3() As String = {"a", "b", "c"} Use the { } syntax when you declare and initialize arrays of basic data types. For example, use the following syntax: VB Copy Dim letters5 As String() = {"a", "b", "c"} Do not...