宏(Macro):宏是一系列预先编写的命令和操作,可以通过一个按钮或快捷键执行,以便自动化重复性任务。在Office应用程序中,宏通常是通过VBA编写的。 VBA(Visual Basic for Applications):VBA是一种由微软开发的编程语言,用于自动化和定制Office应用程序。它是Visual Basic编程语言的一个版本,具有对Office文档的高度访问权限。
Dit artikel bevat voorbeeldprocedures van Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications die u kunt gebruiken om met verschillende typen matrices te werken. Meer informatie Microsoft biedt programmeervoorbeelden alleen ter illustratie, zonder expliciete of impliciete garantie. Dit o...
counter = 1 'this loop shows what was filled in While counter <= UBound(thisarray) MsgBox thisarray(counter) counter = counter + 1 Wend End Sub On the Tools menu, point to Macro and then click Macros. In the Macro dialog box, click fill_array, and then click Run. NOTE...
Sub LoopExample()Dim X作为X的整数,范围为1到100(“ A”和X)。值= X下一个X结束Sub Save and navigate back to the Developer tab of Excel and select the Macros button. Run the LoopExample macro. 保存并导航回到Excel的“开发人员”选项卡,然后选择“宏”按钮。 运行LoopExample宏。 This s...
按ALT+F11 以啟動 Visual Basic 編輯器。 在[專案總管] 中,按兩下[ThisWorkbook]以啟動程式碼編輯器。 在程式碼編輯器中貼上下列兩個簡單宏的程式碼: VB OptionExplicitSubMacro_A() MsgBox"This is Macro A"EndSubSubMacro_B() MsgBox"This is Macro B"EndSub ...
Global macroFontName As String Global fontAuthor As String Global macroFontSize As Integer Global macroFont(1 To 27, 1 To 20) As String Put something like this in the load a font button: On Error GoTo handleError Dim textInput As String, i As Integer, i2 As Integer CommonDialog1....
_OLELOOP2 _PersistStorageType _ProjectLoadSecurityDialogState _SqlAddNewReferenceFlags _SqlReferenceUpdateAction _SqlReferenceUpdateFlags _VHS_COMMANDS _VSCIPPROPID _VsDocumentRestoreBehavior _VSFILECHANGEFLAGS _VsHelpErrors _VSLONGIDLEREASON _VSOBJCFFLAGS _VSOBJCLIPFORMATOPTIONS _VSOBJDESCOPTIONS _VSOBJLI...
h and macro defined keywords XRANDR for Windows XSD : error : The CodeDom provider type "Microsoft.VisualC.CppCodeProvider, CppCodeProvider could not be located. XSD : error : The CodeDom provider type "Microsoft.VisualC.CppCodeProvider, CppCodeProvider, Version=, Culture=neutral, ...
Loop MsgBox count & " directories" CountDocumentProperties() x = ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Count ' or x = ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties.Count CountDocumentVars() x = ActiveDocument.Variables.Count CountFiles() x = RecentFiles.Count CountFonts() x = FontNames.Count ' or x...
Learn how to use the Do-While loop to execute a set of actions repeatedly until a condition is met. By Sahil Kapoor Mar 29, 2023 Learn to Automate Your Vlookups With Excel VBA Programming Take your Excel programming a step further by using the popular VLOOKUP function in your VBA ...