Visual Basic是Microsoft公司于1991年推出Windows应用程序开发工具。Visual一词具有“可视化的”、“形象化的”的含义,在语言功能方面,VB与早期的Basic语言基本兼容,但由于VB具有良好的图形用户界面(GUI),因此有人称它为可视化的Basic语言。和Basic语言相比,VB提供的一系列可视化设计工具,大大简化了应用程序界面的设计工作,...
多年来一直从事计算机基础和专业课教学,主讲《大学计算机应用基础》、《Visual Basic程序设计》、《C语言程序设计》、《数据库程序设计》和《管理信息系统》等课程。主编《大学计算机应用基础》和《Visual Basic程序设计》教材两部,副主编教材一部,参编一部。积极开展学术研究,发表多篇研究论文并主持参与多项省级和校级...
visual basic 2013编程语言教程 visual basic 2013编程语言教程 本课程共79集 翻译完 欢迎学习 课程介绍:这一系列教程来自msdn的Channel 9,作者:JeffKoch、MicrosoftLearningExperiences,讲师(萌萌哒大叔@bobtabor)全程英语讲课,开发环境(visual studio 2013)也是用的英文版,共26集。项目类型用的是控制台,适合想从vb6.0...
Creating Pdf Print in visual Basic Creating visual graph with vb net Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'ProgressBar1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on. Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0 Cursor is not display while textbox has focus Custom Buttons in...
I found an interesting high school Visual Basic course web site recently. I thought I would share it with others and ask anyone reading this to send me links to others. Or leave a comment with a link. One of the things I think would be very useful would be for teachers to have a bu...
Visual Basic.NET程序设计 课程负责人 龚沛曾 课程对象 本科生, 社会学习者 课程类型 公共课 开课平 爱课程 (中国大学MOOC ) 平 首页网址 平 首页网址 首期上线时间 2014-11-03 课程开设期次 9 课程链接 ttp :///course/TONGJI- 89002\r\n ttp :///course/TONGJI- 370002\r\n ttp :///course/TONGJI...
What can you do with Small Visual Basic? Let’s see in short points some of what sVB can do. For full details on what you can do with sVB and how you can do it, see the sVB full reference PDF: sVB can be used to introduce programming to 6 years old kids and above, in any ea...
The basic debugging workflow involves settings breakpoints, stepping through code, inspecting values, and handling exceptions. You can start a debugging session by selecting Debug > Start Debugging or use the F5 keyboard shortcut. For a project, these actions launch the startup file with the ...
近五年讲授的主要课程:多媒体技术与应用、Visual Basic程序设计、大学计算机基础、现代教育技术、思维训练导论、计算机辅助教育、数据库应用基础、数据结构。近期主持或参与的教学与科研项目十项,主编或参编出版的教材五部,发表的学术论文七篇,学术研究表彰二项,教育教学表彰十二项。 李富芸 · 海南师范大学 团队教师 ...
January February March April May June Overview The Evolution Of LINQ And Its Impact On The Design Of C# VISUAL BASIC: Unleash The Power Of Query In Visual Studio "Orcas" C++: An Inside Look At The Next Generation Of Visual C++ OFFICE UI: New VSTO Features Help You Customize Word...