URL: http://www.tate.org.uk/collections/glossary/ Content provider: Tate Museum Description: Designed as a companion to the Tate Collections, this website's collection of nearly 300 art terms stands as a valuable resource on its own. The glossary, arranged and browsable alphabetically, contains...
ALBUOUEROUE PUBLIC SCHOOLSAPS FINE ARTS DEPARTMENToElementary Visual Arts StandardsAugust, 201O"When civilization begins to ignore the arts, it soon loses its balanceand topples into chaos." - Sir Herbert Read, British educatorALBUQUERQUE PUBLIC SCHOOLSThese standards were created through the efforts...
They also have made their API available, but the DPLA is exceptional for the support they throw behind developers/researchers/institutions/regular people who want to use it, including tutorials, sample code, project idea sharing, and a glossary, to give but a few example. Their App Library dem...
Glossary This section explains a number of concepts that are mentioned throughout the document that readers may not be familiar with. The article is extensive and has numerous annotations, so those that are considered most difficult to understand or most commonly used have been selected. 1-vs-res...
daylight proofing illuminant, which is representative of the illumination in transmission illuminators, "light boxes", or "light tables" used to view and edit processed film images in professional photography and graphics arts associated with journalism, publication, or advertising. The measured CIE1976...