SensorsIndustrial SensorsIntelligent SensorsInternet of ThingsNanosensorsNavigation and PositioningOptical SensorsPhysical SensorsRadar SensorsRemote SensorsSensing and ImagingSensor MaterialsSensor NetworksSensors and RoboticsSensors DevelopmentSmart AgricultureState-of-the-Art Sensors TechnologiesVehicular SensingWearables...
org/esa/socdev/media/articles/artapr07.html (accessed on 11 October 2020). 42. Roser, M.; Ortiz-Ospina, E.; Ritchie, H. Life Expectancy. 2019. Available online: (accessed on 14 November 2020). 43. Sightsavers. Global Blindness Set to Triple...
3.2.3. Multitask Cascaded Convolutional Networks for Face Detection and Landmark Estimation (MTCNN) The MTCNN is a deep learning neural network architecture that employs multi-task cascaded CNNs, which are the state-of-the-art for many computer vision applications [58]. The three main ...