2. 成功注册账号后,就可以登入主页面。这个页面跟GCKey注册是类似的,就是同意相应的一些条款。按I accept进入下一步。 3. 进入个人账户的主页面。在这里我们可以看到,通过这个Portal是可以申请访客签证、学习许可以及过境签证。那我们进入访客签证的申请。选择Start and application--Apply for a visitor visa, trans...
1. VR可以直接通过移民局网站的申请系统来系统,无须进行纸质申请。(这里以GCkey为例) https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/account.htmlwww.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/account.html 通过上述链接即可进入IRCC secure account的页面...
完成这些步骤之后,网站会提供一个personal reference code,你需要记下这个code然后用之前申请大签准备的GCKey 账户密码安全问题答案准备进入账户 点击Vsitor visa, study and/or work permit 输入之前已获得的personal reference code,点击continue确认之前做的问卷调查的信息就出现了,大家在确保各项信息正确无误后,就可...
COVID has changed everything, at least for the following year or so. While getting a visitor visa to Canada was never automatic, for the time being you have to jump through a great deal more hoops to get that stamp in your passport. So, we’ve put together this tutorial to help you ...
Canada visa officer will decide if an interview is required for your specific case and call you if one is needed. If you have any US visa stamped in your current or old passport like a US B1/B2 or any work visa like H1B, L visa, the chances are very high that you will get a Can...
Canada visitor visa application for 10 yrs or passport expiry date. Biometric required. Online application faster without interview. Sample Travel Itinerary.