St George's Chapel is a working church with services every day. St. George's Chapel is open daily but closed to visitors on Sundays as services are held throughout the day. Worshipers are welcome to attend the services. The church also closes earlier than the rest of the castle to prep...
Yes, although I would qualify that with knowing your kids and if they can manage inside voices when inside as well as table manners. Some kids are not suited to travel much less able to use an inside voice when appropriate. Mine have always been easy both at home and out. But if y...
We’ve been lucky enough to both explore a number of Game of Thrones locations around the world, as well as a lot of Ireland. Based on our experiences, we have a number of other posts we think you will enjoy and find useful for your trip planning. If you want to visit the real wor...
In 1983, Kids "R" Us openedas an offshoot of Toys "R" Us. The company sold children's clothing at discount prices. The company was open for 20 years, with 146 stores. It closed in 2004following prolonged disappointing sales. Linens n Things Ildar Sagdejev // Wikimedia Commons Linens '...
The name Iceland is a bit of a misnomer: in the summer, the country is as green as Ireland & while snow covers the top of mountains, there’s very little ice (Greenland, on the other hand…). Perhaps because of this, visitors flock to Iceland’s iceist summer-time ice attraction: ...
my son was 2 month old: I am from Rome and while I now live in Ireland, I still have family there, so I assumed a trip home would be easy. The reality turned out to be a bit different and while I cannot say Rome is difficult to visit with a baby, some tips would have come ...
The cost of true or deluded romance is vastly under-priced in Thailand. A quick trawl through what's on offer in the Asian escort scene in UK and Ireland demonstrates the vast gulf on pay scales of Asian ladies separated by an 11-hour flight. 30 minutes in-call (at her place) 6,000...
Titanic‘smaiden voyage plan was to do a transatlantic crossing from Southampton, England to New York in the USA with stops at both Cherbourg, France and Queenstown (now called Cobn), Ireland. On her return east to Southampton, she was supposed to stop at Plymouth, England. The RMSTitanic...
my hair off my head. I would continue to have to be guarded when people hug me, or when kids are playing around me. I would never be intimate with my husband without wearing a bandana or being more focused on making sure my wig didn't come off than I was on him. I ...
It seems to me that anyone who sends their children to a private school is saving the state (e.g. us) money because then we don’t have to pay to educate their kids. It’s effectively a tax on the rich, so I don’t see a problem with it. The argument that private schools are...