Background: COVID-19, a novel infectious coronavirus disease, has become a worldwide pandemic. Infection control precautions for hospital visitors are needed to avoid cluster outbreaks, so this study investigated the visiting policies of all the hospitals in Taiwan in the time of COVID-19. ...
The number of teenage girls attending emergency departments with mental health issues rose during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new research by the University of Southampton. The findings, published inArchives of Disease in Childhood, show that more females aged from 11 to 17 went to hospi...
Special consideration for COVID-19 patients will need approval by Patient and Family Relations. COVID-19-approved visitation will consist of a maximum of two (2) visitors for one (1) hour duration, each day. Visitor must wear full COVID-19 PPE, including a mask, and be instructed on han...
26, 2020. A "5G+VR" visiting system is put into use in the isolation ward of the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, setting up a new communication channel among doctors, suspected COVID-19 patients and their families in the isolation ward. (Xinhua/Hu Chao) ...
Alice Hyde Medical Center no longer requires asymptomatic patients (those who do not have COVID symptoms) to be tested for COVID-19 before their procedure or admission to the hospital. We ask that anyone who develops symptoms of the virus within a few days of their scheduled procedure to con...
Background The COVID-19 pandemic caused disruption to standard healthcare practice and global lockdowns which led to restricted visiting in healthcare settings. This service evaluation reviewed visiting policies across Scottish specialist palliative care units to observe the impact of these on staff ...
It was postulated such an effect, at least in part, could be an indirect consequence of stringent government mandated restrictions on hospital visiting, in line with COVID-19 policies.1 2 On TCU, where mothers are resident, restrictions were such that women may have chosen to return home, ...
BecauseofCOVID-19,fewerpeopleinThailandhavebeenvisitingzoos.Theanimalsaregetting a littlelonely.An 11-year-oldgirlhasfound a greatwaytocheerthemup.SeenladaSupattakesherkeyboard(电子琴) to a zooonce a weektoplaypopularsongsfortheanimals.Shedressesherselfupasanalligator(鳄鱼)."I'mplayingmusictotheanima...
The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on health-related quality of life of adults visiting emergency departments and primary care settings in Alberta To examine the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on health-related quality of life (HRQL) of adults visiting emergency departments (ED) and primary care (...
Changes in epidemiology of patients visiting emergency departments during the early COVID-19 pandemic period Infectious disease outbreaks have a great influence on the use of emergency departments (EDs). The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the e... SJ Park,YH Yoon,YL Ji,....