来自世界各地的游客来到南帕德里岛观看 SpaceX 发射火箭 “星际飞船”。 54298 Boca Chica Blvd 布朗斯维尔, TX 访问网站 布兰卡岛的海滩水上乐园 娱乐 我们位于南帕德里岛的海滩上,在适合家庭入住的水上乐园提供顶级水上景点、多个会议和宴会区,并能够举办特别活动。
space. We are also proud to offer sunrises over the beach and magnificent sunsets over the bay. There is also much to do "outside the boardroom" from golf, fishing, and adventure sports; team building; boutique shopping; water activities; delicious local cuisine; and ...