犹他州的首府城市盐湖城(Salt Lake City)是一座被历史风霜雕琢又沐浴着现代文明光辉的城市,车水马龙的市中心与四周蜿蜒连绵的山脉共同构成了这座城市景色画卷。这里既拥有丰富的文化底蕴,同时也是户外爱好者的天堂,四周环绕的崇山峻岭、广袤无垠的森林与雪地,为探险者提供了无尽的挑战与惊喜。来到犹他州,即使是来去匆匆...
Check out these past issues of Visit Salt Lake Member News, a monthly update for members of Visit Salt Lake and the Salt Lake tourism and hospitality community.2021January 2021 2020December 2020 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020 August 2020 July 2020 June 2020 May 2020 April 2020 ...
Subscribe to the Weekly Event Updatefrom our events partner,NowPlayingUtah.com Get the Salt Lake Discount Passport Sign-up now and save! Experience Salt Lake and save as you go! Visit Salt Lake has partnered with local attractions, restaurants, retailers, to offer a collection of discounts and...
Salt Lake Cityoffers up the best of both worlds: world-class skiing by day and high culture after the sun goes down. Revel in the metropolitan lifestyle —world-class city with art, culture, and nightlife—and wake up to big mountain skiing in its backyard. Merging high living with vacat...
Shopping in Salt Lake City includes every kind of experience available, from outlet malls to antique shops and handmade craft stores. Learn more!
Key event:Natural History Museum of Utah- The museum has rotating special exhibitions as varied as ancient pharaohs to the ecosystem. Red Butte Garden in the heart of Salt Lake City © Shutterstock / Chaithanya Krishnan May April showers bring May flowers. The city and nearby open spaces are...
Visit Salt Lake.The article offers travel tips for Salt Lake City, Utah including information on the City Creek shopping center, the Salt Palace Convention Center and accommodations.EBSCO_bspMeetings & Conventions
Salt Lake City is the most common gateway to the many highlights around Utah. From the state’s capital you can access the Big Five national parks, go skiing in Park City and biking in Moab. However, there are plenty of reasons to stick around for a little first. The city is the home...
Salt Lake City: Haunted Walking Tour $32 per adult 100% of travellers recommendSalt Lake City: Haunted Walking Tour Salt Lake Family Faves Pass $65 per adultSalt Lake Family Faves Pass Great Salt Lake Flying Tour $249 per adult 100% of travellers recommendGreat Salt Lake Flying Tour Utah: ...
Visit Park City, Utah Plan Your Mountainkind Meeting Located just 35 minutes from Salt Lake City International Airport and home to some of the country*s most picturesque mountain landscapes, Park City, Utah, is a historically beautiful resort town that makes attendees feel like they are nestled ...