microsoft/vision-datasets main Branches 32Tags Code Vision Datasets Introduction This repo defines unified contract for dataset for purposes such as training, visualization, and exploration, viaDatasetManifest,ImageDataManifest, etc. provides many commonly used dataset operation, such as sample dataset by...
from vision_datasets.common import DatasetInfoFactory, VisionDataset # check dataset information dictionary example From `` dataset_info = DatasetInfoFactory.create(dataset_info_dict) dataset = VisionDataset(dataset_info, key_value_pair_dataset_manifest) # test the first sample img...
mxnet可以直接调用的数据集有: MNIST(手写数据集) FashionMNIST(服装数据集,共10类) CIFAR10(动物&交通工具,共10类) CIFAR100(含各种各类的事物,共100类) vision.datasets Gluon provides pre-defined vision datasets functions in the module. Dataset container. ...
Download free, open source datasets for computer vision machine learning models in a variety of formats.
The world's largest collection of open source computer vision datasets and APIs. 350 million+ images 500,000+ datasets 100,000+ fine-tuned models By Project Type: All ProjectsObject DetectionClassificationInstance SegmentationKeypoint DetectionSemantic SegmentationMultimodal ...
Computer Vision Datasets and Pre-Trained Models Datasets 750k+ Images 575m+ Pre-trained Models 175k+ Explore Universe Deploy with 175,000+ Pre-Trained Models Deploy to production, use for model assisted labeling, or as a training checkpoint. ...
torch.profiler import import torchvision.models import torchvision.transforms as T from虽然目标张量已经驻留在 GPU 上,但上一行定义的 r 张量却没有。这再次触发低效的主机到 GPU 数据复制。...损失计算的前向传递的性能提升更加显...
The rise of pre-labeled computer vision datasets has allowed organizations to more easily access the data they need to train CV models. There are a wide variety of applications for CV models and many organizations are seeing the ways in which it can be applied to solve problems. As more org...
As such, we explore how natural language descriptions of the domains seen in training data can be used with large vision models trained on diverse pretraining datasets to generate useful variations of the training data. We introduce ALIA (Automated Language-guided Image Augmentation), a method ...
[seemmo@RegionServer1 duwen]$ python Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Nov 22 2013, 12:16:22) ...