Vision Problems After Ischemic Stroke: Effects on Quality of LifeDinkin, MarcNeurology Alert
Other vision problems may be related to eye disease.Retinal detachment,macular degeneration,cataracts, andglaucomaare disorders of the functional eye and its processing units. These problems can lead to blurry or defective vision. The goals of treatment depend on the eye disease and may include rest...
Blank spots in your central field of vision. Call the doctor about vision problems if you: Have symptoms ofretinal detachmentsuch asfloatersor flashes of light in your vision. You need immediate treatment to save vision in that eye. Feel like a dark curtain covers part of your side vision. ...
Vision loss due to problems with the eye may be treated with eye drops, medications, or surgery. If inflammation is the cause of the vision loss, steroids may be used. If the vision loss is caused by a sudden blockage of a blood vessel, treatment is directed at improving blood flow as...
80% of learning is visual, yet 1 in 5 students have undiagnosed vision problems impacting their classroom success. This makes pediatric or developmental eye exams crucial, even if your child passed a vision screening or had a routine eye exam. From pediatric eye exams starting at 6 months to...
Neuro-optometric rehab is a treatment for people with visual problems caused by brain trauma and various neurological conditions. Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Giving Athletes an Edge Over Their Competition Sports vision training offers evidence-based exercises to enhance an athlete's vision abilities to...
Brain tumor –A group of cancerous or non-cancerous cells form a mass in the brain. Some tumors cause blurred vision or other problems with eyesight. Stroke or TIA A stroke happens when there's a blood vessel clot or rupture in your brain. It's a potentially life-threatening emergency ...
s not the only eye trauma that can result in low vision. Head injuries causing traumatic brain injury (TBI) can impact field of vision, contrast sensitivity, visual acuity, depth of vision problems and more. Vision loss can also develop as a result of stroke if the occipital lobe is ...
A child with CVI has vision problems caused by their brain that are not attributable to an issue with their eyes. Usually, the eyes send electrical signals to the brain, and the brain turns those signals into the images seen. If an individual has CVI, the brain has trouble processing ...
Binocular Vision Problems (Slight issues that cause eye strain and fatigue) Accomadative Focusing/Function (Problems related to strain caused from focusing. Vision Issues due to stroke, brain injuries, and developmental issues. Know someone who could benefit from Vision Therapy? Learn to identify the...