With VSP, your vision care comes first. We're committed to providing you with the best choices in eye doctors and eyeglasses, all while saving you hundreds!
How does VSP vision insurance work? Add your spouse and dependents to your plan for less than the cost of a separate individual policy. Steps to complete How does VSP vision insurance work? Choose a plan. Pay for the year or monthly. Find an in-network doctor. Make an appointment. ...
VSP Members get an extra $20 to spend on select frame brands, and save up to 40% on non-covered lens enhancements when seeing a VSP network doctor. Superior Personalized Service As the only national not-for-profit vision insurance company, we put our members first so you can trust you’...
Vision insurance is provided by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MetLife), New York, NY. Certain claim and network administration services are provided through Vision Service Plan (VSP), Rancho Cordova, CA. VSP is not affiliated with MetLife or its affiliates. Like most group benefit programs...
在公開投保期間,許多VSP會員均有機會升級至增強型視力計劃,從而獲得更高級別的個人化視力保險。 了解更多 保持健康 VSP視您的健康為第一要務!每年一次眼科檢查可以檢測出超過270種健康狀況的跡象。* 在您的住家附近接受視力檢查。 大部分會員可在他們居住或工作地點的六英里內選擇在五位VSP聯網眼科醫生看診。
VSP Choice can help you and your family see well, stay healthy, and save.1 You can save1 on routine eye exams, eyewear and fittings, laser vision correction10 services, and more Choose from the thousands of participating vision providers in our network2 to find the one who works for you...
VSP makes brokering insurance for vision plans easy by offering a one-stop-shop of resources. Find everything you need to make the most out of selling VSP.
Quiz: Do You Need Vision Insurance? Scroll With VSP, taking care of your vision and overall eye health is easy. As a member, you can: Save More Money Get access to more than $3,000 in savings with Exclusive Member Extras from VSP®and industry-leading brands.* ...
公開投保是員工可透過其僱主選擇醫療保健、視力、牙科及其他福利的一個時間窗口。只需在VSP開放登記時段選擇視力保險,即可保護您的眼睛、健康並節省金錢。這亦是檢視計劃的年度變更(如保費、免賠額,共付額和服務網絡)的最佳時機。 在發生重大生活事件(如結婚、生子、換工作或退休)時,員工通常可以在公開投保以外的時間...