兄弟们,dolby ..娃开学,心想搬台主机到学区这边来,昨天把盒子挪了过来接这边的电视,就顺便挑了一下分辨率和帧数,突然发觉在杜比视界下还有个dolby vision for gaming的选项,上网查了一下说是开启后支持
On stage, Nadella explained that this vision for the future of computing revolves around three principal actors: humans, digital assistants, and bots. Humans are obviously at the heart of things, he said, but digital assistants, like Microsoft's Cortana, will be "always with you across all yo...
关于杜比视界的功能,..dolby vision for gaming这个选项如果打开,所有hdr10就全变成了杜比,不打开的话一个杜比都点不亮,那到底哪些游戏是杜比专门优化过,哪些又是被强制成了杜比,很懵
IT之家 6 月 2 日消息 微软 Xbox Series X/S 游戏主机此前宣布,对内部预览版用户开启杜比全景声、杜比视界(Dolby Atmos / Vision)测试,能够在音视频两方面为玩家带来相比 HDR 更好的体验。根据外媒 Neowin 消息,这两项功能将由微软 Xbox 游戏主机进行独占,并且独占期长达两年,索尼 PS5 暂时无法享受。据...
the headset back on. “It’s almost like you’re relaunching that room, and how it was from your perspective at that session,” Goelst says. Spacebridge’s purpose is to create an immersive studio for teammates to collaborate within. In the future, Magic Leap imagines it being used for ...
Xbox does have more hardware releases planned, namely a handheld gaming device and a new traditional ‘console’ for the change-averse scaredy cats who don’t like the idea of getting their Call Of Duty fix directly from their telly.
已经加入 Xbox 开发人员计划?必须登录到授权的 Microsoft Learn 个人帐户。 这个个人帐户链接到电子邮件地址,该地址用于访问授权合作伙伴中心帐户。 如果需要登录或创建 Learn 个人帐户,请选择页面右上角的“登录”。 如果要创建新的 Learn 个人帐户,请使用与授权合作伙伴中心帐户关联的电子邮件地址。
Bo Moore
遊戲方式 Xbox One Xbox Series X|S 功能 Single player 60 fps+ Optimized for Xbox Series X|S Smart Delivery Xbox 成就 Xbox 目前狀態 Xbox 雲端儲存 瀏覽 Xbox 主機 Xbox 遊戲 Xbox Game Pass Xbox 配件 資源 Xbox 支援服務 意見反應 社群準則 光敏性癲癇警告 Microsoft Store Microsoft 帳戶 ...
In a recent session at Stanford University, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman candidly assessed the current capabilities of AI, labeling GPT-4 as “the dumbest model any of you will ever have to use again.” This provocative statement underscores a bold vision for the future of artificial intelligence, as...