Use this choice board for grades 6-12 to provide students with some fun and engaging activities during Teen Tech Week (second week of March). Includes 9 activities perfect for group or independent work.
I never thought much about it then as I was in my teens but, as my mother went on and on about the albino family, I realized how very strange they really were.”
When you’re aiming messaging at teens or young adults, it similarly needs to be tailored to their understanding and interests. We need to avoid the ‘greetings, fellow kids’ effect, but still not present kids on their way to the dorm with messaging that looks like it’s designed by IBM...
Angular and Linear Deviation, SE, AC, and other metrics (MAE: mean absolute error; RMSE: Root Mean Squared Error; F1: F1-score; AC: accuracy; SE: Standard Error; DBMR: Detection Based on Micro-ROI; TMGEM: Template matching with Global Energy Minimization; DAGP: Detection for accumulation...