(PLS) and particle swarm optimization (PSO)-support vector machine (SVM) methods, respectively. The response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to analyze the best combined parameters of PSO-SVM. The PSO-SVM model was employed for discrimination of origin and species. The identification ...
Lubecke, L.C.; Ishmael, K.; Zheng, Y.; Boric-Lubecke, O.; Lubecke, V.M. Identification of COVID-19 Type Respiratory Disorders Using Channel State Analysis of Wireless Communications Links. In Proceedings of the 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine ...
In this work, the identification accuracy of the transmitter, processing time, and BER were investigated. In [62], the authors proposed a hybrid ML-based VLC system that the model is called MIMO-branch hybrid neural network (MIMO-MBNN). In the single receiver-MIMO pulse amplitude magnitude ...
Česen, M.; Lenarčič, K.; Mislej, V.; Levstek, M.; Kovačič, A.; Cimrmančič, B.; Uranjek, N.; Kosjek, T.; Heath, D.; Dolenc, M.S.; et al. The Occurrence and Source Identification of Bisphenol Compounds in Wastewaters.Sci. Total Environ.2018,616, 744–752....