Hi@vishuvenu. Thanks for your PR. I'm waiting for akubernetes-sigsmember to verify that this patch is reasonable to test. If it is, they should reply with/ok-to-teston its own line. Until that is done, I will not automatically test new commits in this PR, but the usual testing co...
A Turkish take on pizza. U can play with so many variations and trust me it’s delicious Ingredients 250 gm maida 11 gm sugar 4 gm salt 3 gm yeast 20 ml oil 120-130 ml luke warm water Topping 1 chopped onion 10 minced garlic 8-10 mushrooms quartered 2 bunches of spinach sliced 1 ...
in 1524. The Old Church, then known as the Church of Holy Spirit, is supposed to have been destroyed in a flood in the late 17th century and a new church was built on the same spot in 1676
I really enjoy this. Keep on asking yourself why? why does this work? why does it work this way? Force yourself to understand the root of a topic. Cornell Method: when reading a topic, write out questions on the margins to quiz yourself. Pretend you have to teach it Use mnemonics ...
I've managed to restrain myself through six months of an endless barrage of repetitive negativity, but now feel compelled to chip in my 2 cents (that's 1/15 of a SUNE share's worth of input) as SUNE gasps its last breath. Full disclosure: I am long, and have been since the last...
me and my **s have been through a struggle thought it was gonna leave me hate my troubles but instead my palms have double can't find solutions like a puzzle i'm tired of the fights fights you don't listen to me right right that's why i always stay lifted so i can feel alright...
One of the greatest feedback we have gotten so far is by one of the Conpot developers: "[...] I highly recommend T-Pot which is ... it's not exactly a swiss army knife .. it's more like a swiss army soldier, equipped with a swiss army knife. Inside a tank. A swiss tank. ...