As an example of these features, we examine the shear viscosity of liquid helium 4 above the lambda point. Applying the linear-response theory to Poiseuille's formula for the capillary flow, the reciprocal of the shear viscosity coefficient is considered as a transport coefficient. Using the ...
It has been found possible to use the rotating cylinder viscometer to measure the viscosity of liquid helium II between 1.13°K. and 2.18°K. provided that the fluid velocities do not exceed about 0.08 cm. sec.1. The results, which are calculated directly from experimental observations and do...
VISCOSITY OF LIQUID HELIUM BELOW THE λ-POINT - ScienceDirect THE abnormally high heat conductivity of helium II below the λ-point, as first observed by Keesom, suggested to me the possibility of an explanation in te... P Kapitza - 《Helium》 被引量: 328发表: 1971年 Transport properties ...
1938Viscosity of liquid helium below theλ-pointP. KapitzaThe abnormally high heat conductivity of helium II below theλ-point,as first observed by Keesom, suggested to me the possibility of an explana-tion in terms of convection currents. This explanation would require he-lium II to have an...
The Viscosity of Liquid Helium between 0.78° K. and 1.1° K.Not Availabledoi:10.1139/p58-029Woods, A. D. B.Hallett, A. C. HollisCanadian Journal of Physics
Viscosity of Liquid Helium below the λ-Point THE abnormally high heat conductivity of helium II below the λ-point, as first observed by Keesom, suggested to me the possibility of an explanation in terms of convection currents. This explanation would require helium II to have an ab... KAPITZ...
Fermi liquid viscosityforced flowvelocity profile integral equationenergy dissipation/ A6750D Normal phase liquid helium-3Forced flow of a Fermi liquid is studied for a cell geometry consisting of two planes with a separation on the order of the mean free path. An approximate transport equation is...
Viscosity of Liquid Helium below the λ-Point THE abnormally high heat conductivity of helium II below the λ-point, as first observed by Keesom, suggested to me the possibility of an explanation in terms of convection currents. This explanation would require helium II to have an ab... KAPITZ...
helium iimixturesphysical propertiestemperature dependencepressure dependencetemperature range 0000-0013 kmedium pressureWe have investigated the viscosity of liquid 3 He- 4 He mixtures at various 3 He - concentrations ( 0.98% ≤x≤ 9.5% ) in the temperature range 1 mK ≤ T ≤100 mK and at ...
In a non-perfect fluid, viscosity represents internal friction, which causes an irreversible energy dissipation process, and it is a measure of the flow resistance to the liquid, which means the higher value, and the more resistance, and thus the fluid flows more slowly. Shear viscosity, which...