The meaning of VISCOSITY is the quality or state of being viscous : a sticky or glutinous consistency. How to use viscosity in a sentence.
The fact that whole blood behaves as a non-Newtonian fluid has been known for many years. But the fact that numerous papers continue to appear in the literature which attempt to explain the so-called "anomalous" viscous behavior of blood is an indication that the meaning of non-Newtonian ...
The meaning of HYPERVISCOSITY is excessive viscosity or thickness; especially : an abnormal increase in the viscosity of blood. How to use hyperviscosity in a sentence.
The viscosity of blood, as with all fluids, is a measure of its resistance to deformation. Simply put, low viscosity fluids require less energy to flow through a tubular system than fluids with high viscosity. The viscosity of blood generally increases with the proportion of the blood composed ...
Most liquids have viscosities between 1 and 1,000 mPa s while gasses have low viscosity, usually between 1-10 μPa s. The viscosity of water is about 1.0020 mPa s while the viscosity of blood is between 3 and 4 mPa s (lending new meaning to the saying that blood is thicker than wate...
Objective To study various rules of blood viscosity and clinical meaning of senile cerebral infarction. 目的:探讨老年脑梗塞血液黏滞度变化的规律及临床意义。4) viscosity [英][vis'kɔsiti] [美][vɪs'kɑsətɪ] 黏度,黏性5) viscosity [英][vis'kɔsiti] [美][vɪs'kɑsət...
目的观察灯盏细辛注射液对肺心脏病急性加重期患者血液黏滞度的改善作用及对呼吸衰竭的疗效。 2. Objective To study various rules of blood viscosity and clinical meaning of senile cerebral infarction. 目的:探讨老年脑梗塞血液黏滞度变化的规律及临床意义。6...
Objective To study various rules of blood viscosity and clinical meaning of senile cerebral infarction. 目的:探讨老年脑梗塞血液黏滞度变化的规律及临床意义。3) viscosity 黏滞 1. The corresponding results of Chidume C E and Chidume C O are extended and improved with viscosity iterative method. 用...
2.With this equation, the non invasive measurement of blood viscosity can be achieved by means of plethysmorgraphy. Besides, the relation between electric resistivity and hematocrit was studied.基于此种关系 ,采用电导纳体积描记术即可无损地测量血液黏度。
Explanation: The viscosity of the fluid decreases as the temperature increases. This is due to a reduction in intermolecular forces. Q2:What is the relation between the viscosities of blood and water? A. Both are equal. B. Water is more viscous than blood. ...