A third equation relating the logarithm of viscosity to the fifth power of absolute temperature has been shown to apply over the full range of materials, temperatures and viscosities examined. The significance of the constants used in these equations is discussed with respect to their value in ...
WHILE it is agreed with Dr. A. V. Brancker 1 that existing methods of representing viscosity – temperature data are not entirely satisfactory, the equation he proposes does not fit data accumulated here on the viscosity of liquids used as plasticizers, etc....
Implements Tribology::Lubricant class, along with Ubbelohde-Walther equation, ASTM D2270 viscositytribologyviscosity-temperature-chartsviscosity-calculationlubricantsviscosity-indexastmd2270astmd341ubbelohde-walther UpdatedDec 15, 2017 Perl Load more…
By application of the kinetic theory, with several simplifying assumptions, the previous equation of Buddenberg and the author has been modified to give a general equation for viscosity as a function of molecular weights and viscosities of the pure components of the mixture. Agreement of the equati...
aThe Walther equation has been shown to accurately capture viscosity versus temperature data for typical mineral oil and synthetic lubricants. It also forms the basis for the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) viscosity-temperature chart (ASTM D341), which is quite successful in corre...
For transport properties, the collision integrals are tabulated, and values of viscosity plus thermal conductivity of cesium vapor are obtained from Chapman-Enskog solutions of Boltzman equation. The viscosity values are in agreement with experiment within ±4% with average deviation 2%, and are in ...
This equation is called the viscosity law of Newton. The velocity gradient, du/dy, is also often called the shear rate. As mentioned earlier, for equal pressure and temperature, the viscosity is constant. This means that Newtonian fluids do not have a memory for deformation in the past. 10....
This study presents methods for accurate viscosity modeling using the frictional theory (f-theory) and the free volume theory (FV theory) of viscosity at temperatures to 533 K and pressures to 276 MPa, which are high-temperature, highpressure (HTHP) conditions associated with ultradeep porous san...
The influence of temperature and composition on the viscosity of high-purity liquid metals and alloys of the Pb-Sn and Sb-Cd systems was investigated by the logarithmic-decrement method. The variation of viscosity with temperature above the liquidus followed the equation: η = Ae E/RT . No la...
absolute viscosity of a substance is divided by its density. Kinematic viscosity is represented by the Greek letter nu, which resembles a "v;" absolute viscosity is represented by mu, which resembles a "u;" and density is represented by rho, which resembles a "p." The equation, ...