单位换算关系为1pas10p泊1000cp厘泊运动粘度液体的动力粘度与其密度的比值称为液体的运动粘度16运动粘度的单位为m2m2s104st斯106cst厘斯就物理意义来说不是一个粘度的量但习惯上常用它来标志液体粘度液压油液的粘度等级是以40时运动粘度以mm2s计的中心值来划分的 燃料油指标基础知识介绍——粘度 粘度(VISCOSITY) ...
1厘泊(1cP)=1毫帕斯卡 .秒 (1mPa.s) 100厘泊(100cP)=1泊 (1P) 1000毫帕斯卡.秒 (1000mPa.s)=1帕斯卡 .秒 (1Pa.s) 动力粘度与运动粘度的换算: η=ν. ρ 式中η--- 试样动力粘度(mPa.s) ν--- 试样运动粘度(mm2/s) ρ--- 与测量运动粘度相同温度下试样的密度(g/cm3)...
3)cP (centi poise) 厘泊,通常写作 cps 4)dpa.s 是decipascal-seconds缩写,一般用于高粘度表示。 换算如下: 1Pa.s=1000mPa.s 1Pa.s =10 poise 1 poise =100 cps 1cps=1mPa.s 1Pa.s=1000 cps, 10dPa.s=1Pa.s 1dPa.s=100cps 在上面的模型中含有一个假定,就是剪力F与剪速S成线性关系,而 黏...
PVT+中的活塞范围为50-1跨度。单个活塞可以覆盖的跨度为20cP至1000cP。更宽的活塞范围意味着您无需频繁更换活塞,从而节省宝贵的实验室时间。ViscoLab PVT+在温度控制系统内具有快速的热稳定性,支持系统关闭后快速恢复温度。ViscoLab PVT+在报告结果之前确保样品稳定性。粘度计被编程为接收20个连续读数,其中粘度、温度...
3)cP(centipoise)厘泊,通常写作cps 4)dpa.s是decipascal-seconds缩写,一般用于高粘度表示。 换算如下: 1Pa.s=1000mPa.s 1Pa.s=10poise 1poise=100cps 1cps=1mPa.s 1Pa.s=1000cps, 10dPa.s=1Pa.s 1dPa.s=100cps 在上面的模型中含有一个假定,就是剪力F与剪速S成线性关系,而 ...
Chebbi model (2000) is found to have a good agreement, extending beyond the lubrication theory range, with the spreading kinetics data on the three solids for 500 cP, 1000 cP and 10,000 cP viscosities. Overall, the model of Diez et al. (1994) presents larger deviations. In the 100 cP...
④可以在0.2至20,000 cP或等效cSt的总跨度内在13个不同的20:1粘度范围内进行测量。传感器头上的最大流速为10英尺/秒(3米/秒)。 5、美国CAMBRIDGE VISCOSITY用于过程工业的在线粘度计VISCOpro 2100 ①0.5%或1.5%的重复性,取决于您的要求 ②与ASTM D7483和ATM D445的相关性 ...
Viscosity The following information may have errors; It is not permissible to be used by anyone who has ever met a lawyer. A sticky subject We can say that viscosity is the resistance a material has to change in form. This property can be thought of as an internal friction.Laminar...
Dynamic viscosity [mPa·s = cP] The dynamic viscosity is the viscosity that relates shear stress τ and shear rate du/dz in a fluid, i.e. τ=η du/dz. The viscous shear stress τ is proportional to the shear rate, the dynamic viscosity η being the proportionality factor. So, thicker...
VCA 1600/6---Standard Viscosity Silicone Oil (1000cP) Our viscosity cups About us We are professional manufacturer & supplier specialized in Civil Engineering, Material testing, Lab equipments since 2003. We can manufacture & Supply various kinds of testing equipments under standards of ASTM/AASHT...