At present, the synthesis and properties of hooked gemini surfactant based on linolenic acid have not been reported. Besides, most of the current studies focus on the performance test of gemini viscoelastic surfactant. In theory, viscoelastic surfactant doesn't need to add the gel-breaking agents ...
Moreover, hydrogels’ intrinsic stress relaxation properties can be altered by changing the crosslinking density or polymer concentration (Supplementary Fig. 5a, b). Under light exposure at 20 mW/cm2 (445 nm laser), all τ1/2 values decreased to half of their original values (Fig. 2b ...
For the increase in gel modulus value in general, two possibilities would be responsible; (1) the increase in the modulus of gel network conforming polymer chain and (2) the increase in the cross-link density. The case (1) would result in a shortened relaxation time an...
Using dynamic oscillatory the gel-like behavior was observed at 37 degrees C for the crosslinked polymer. Biocompatibility of the synthesized nanoparticles and superior antitumor activity of DOX-loaded nanoparticles were proved by in vitro cytotoxicity assay. The system is expected to be valuable for ...
The elasticity, inherently present in dilute polymer solutions, can yield particle focusing into the mid-plane of the channel. The particles have different spatial distribution depend- ing on their sizes and rheological properties of the viscoelastic med- ium. The primary nonlinear elastic force ...
1 Department of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry Research Group and Laboratory for Organic Synthesis, Ghent University, Krijgslaan 281 S4-bis, Ghent B-9000, Belgium. 2 Matie`re Molle et Chimie, UMR 7167 CNRS-ESPCI, ESPCI ParisTech, 10 rue Vauquelin, Paris 75005, France. ...
Polymer 54: 6140–6149. 12. Chen D, Yi S, Fang P, Zhong Y, Huang, CH, Wu X (2011) Synthesis and characterization of novel room temperature vulca- nized (RTV) silicone rubber using octa [trimethoxysilyl)ethyl]- POSS as cross-linker. ...
The roles of H-bonding, π-stacking, and antiparallel CO ⋯ CO interactions in the formation of a new Gd(III) coordination polymer based on pyridine-2,6-... This study reports the synthesis of a new catenane Gd(III) complex using pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid (H2pydc) as ligand. Th...
j.DepartmentofPolymerScienceandEngineering,2.KeyLaboratoryofMacromolecularSynthesisandFunctionalization, MinistryofEducation,ZhejiangUniversity,Hangzhou310027,PR.China; 3.NingboDongfangCableLtd.,Ningbo315040,PRChina Abstract Twocommercialcrosslinkablepolyethyleneinsulationcablegranules.designedforl10and35kVvoltage insulation,...
Smart use of tertiary amine to design CO2-triggered viscoelastic fluids. Colloid Polym. Sci. 293, 357-367.ZHANG Y,AN P ,LIU X,et al. Smart use of tertiary amine to designCO2-triggered viscoelastic fluids[J]. Colloid and Polymer Science,2015,293( 2) : 357-367....