Reports that foreign-born health care workers who apply for a visa to enter the United States to perform speech-language pathology or audiology services will need pre-credentialing. Overview of the Immigration and Naturalization Service legislation which requires the pre-credentialing process; Purpose ...
The government has been criticised for excluding care workers from being able to apply for visas designed to fast track those coming to the UK to work in the health and care sector. On 13 July 2020 the Home Office released details of the UK's points based immigration system which will come...
It is a perfect storm. By 2020, the Scottish government has promised to almost double free nursery hours for three-and four-year-olds, meaning it requires an additional 11,000 early years workers - something that it says amounts to “an unprecedented expansion of the current workforce”. How...
AGG Talks: Cross-Border Business — Episode 6: Immigration Insights for Companies Expanding Into the U.S. - Part 1 Immigration Settlement Clears the Way for Thousands of H-1B and L-1 Spouses to Work in the US The Impact of Immigration Laws on Health Care Professionals and Entrepreneurs ...
The bulk of the application process is undertaken by your potential employer, who must obtain approval from the government to proceed with an overseas hire after demonstrating an actual need for foreign workers to fill in the vacancies. Once it’s approved, you can use the confirmation letter co...
Visas: Uncertified Foreign Health-Care WorkersGeorge C. Lannon
Company EmployeesEach Party shall not, directly or indirectly solicit for employment, any employee of the other Party who has been directly involved in the performance of this Agreement during the Term and for one year after the earlier of the termination or expiration of this Agreement or the ...
Their customer care promptly guided me through every step. Among the various companies I’ve used for many services, none can compete with them. Chang W. -BEIJING If you’re seeking to simplify your hiring process and achieve better outcomes, look no further. They provide top-notch services,...
A dependant, usually your partner or your child aged under 18, can apply to join you in the UK as a dependant of Tier 5 visa holder. Your dependants will have to apply at the same time of your application and pay for the healthcare surcharge as part of their application. ...
Uncertainty over the details of the new rules has heightened businesses’ concerns. In December, home secretary James Cleverly said the main salary floor for skilled worker visas would rise from £26,200 to £38,700 from April. The increase could price out employers in sectors such as hospi...