If you’re between 18 and 30 (or 35 for certain countries), and are from one of the countries listed below, you could be eligible for New Zealand's Working Holiday Scheme visa.
You can apply for the New Zealand Working Holiday Visa if: Must be between 18 and 30 years of age (or 18 to 35 where applicable) Hold a passport from an eligible country You must be of good health, and good character (no criminal convictions) ...
Can I apply for the Working Holiday Visa if I’m already in New Zealand? Yes you can, but you’ll need a New Zealand postal address. You may also be asked to supply a police certificate and undertake a chest x-ray and medical examination. Applying while you’re already in the country...
Working in New Zealand 在紐西蘭工作 Doing business in New Zealand 在紐西蘭經商 Working Holiday Schemes New Zealanders aged between 18 and 30 can apply for a 12-month working holiday visa for Taiwan. To apply, you can go to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in either Auckland or Well...
Working holiday visas are available to young people, usually aged 18 to 30, but 18 to 35 in a select few countries. They let you travel and work in New Zealand for up to 12 months, or 23 months if you are from the UK or Canada. If you apply for a 23-month visa, you must prov...
If you are a freelancer, digital nomad or simply love to travel the world and also be able to work, New Zealand offers a working holiday visa that may just be...
• be coming to New Zealand to holiday, with work or study being secondary intentions for your visit • have a senior high school qualification (gao zhong xue li) granted in respect of a minimum of three years’ full-time study which has been verified by the China Academic Degrees and...
will be valid for 12 months. In most cases you’ll need to be in the age range 18 to 30, although citizens of a few countries can still get a working holiday visa up to the age of 35. You can check the full details for your nationality, on the New Zealand government website¹....
新西兰Working Holiday简介 Working Holiday Visa,即打工度假签证。 它允许旅行者出于补贴旅行费用的目的而在签证颁发国边打工边旅行。 用来鼓励双方国家的公民进行旅行和文化交流。它允许年轻人在外国去体验生活,同时不需要通常的提前寻找工作赞助或者参与昂贵的大学交换生计划。 目前对中国大陆开放的国家暂时只有新西兰。
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