This article outlines the four categories of questions the German Embassy asks students seeking a student visa. See example questions and answers.
benefits are paid to the first surviving class in the following order: the Insured Person's Spouse; in equal share to the Insured Person's surviving children; in equal share to the Insured Person's surviving parents; in equal shares to the Insured Person's siblings; to the...
For example, if you have a valid F1 visa and you go for an H1B Visa stamping, the Visa officer may stamp “Cancelled Without Prejudice” on your Valid F1 visa and then issue an H1B visa for you. This could also be stamped on any other visa type, such as a previous H1B visa, B1/...
My interview was done on 01/02/2021. Visa type B1. The same day the status was Administrative processing. on 03/02/2021. It shows Refused. I’m okay with it & I understand it’s a part of the process. But i didnt receive any slip or document or paper from the Consular off...
签证上Visa Type/Class处写着R B1/B2,请问什么意思呢?签证上Visa Type/Class处写着R B1/B2,...
持美国签证VISA TPYE/CLASS是R/D能否办理加拿大签证!~~大家好!~~麻烦各位了,想请教大家一个问题!~...
T ex i Figur 19–1 visar användaren alla processer som relateras till Ljudverktyget. Tryck på Retur. Processhanteraren uppdaterar processerna i rullningslisten så att den bara omfattar sådana processposter som innehåller en exakt matchning av filtertexten. Du återgår ...
De tillgängliga kalendrarna visas i tabellformat. Följande tabell beskriver kolumnerna i kalendertabellen: Kolumn Beskrivning Prenumererar Anger om du prenumererar på kalendern. Kalender-ID Innehåller en unik identifierare för kalendern. ...
Hybrid Visa Offers Alternative to Limited H-1B VisaRoy J. Barquet