When planning a trip to Peru, eventually bureaucratic and visa related matters come to mind. As finding detailed and up-to-date information on this topic can be challenging, we put together comprehensive information and advise on all Peruvian tourist vis
For the past two decades, every few years the regulations in Peru would change, determining if foreigners can extend their stay as a tourist in the country or not. Since August 2021, foreign tourists couldn't extend their time in Peru anymore. However, this general “no” for tourist visa...
Plaza Riviera Centre – 1° Piso, Locales 108-109 Calle 41 sur y Carretera Federal (50 avenida norte). Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Estados Unidos Mexicanos E-mail cpcar@mrecic.gov.ar Website URL https://cpcar.cancilleria.gob.ar/ ...
Este nuevo proceso está diseñado para ayudar a ciertos cónyuges no ciudadanos de ciudadanos estadounidenses que han vivido en Estados Unidos durante al menos 10 años y que no representan una amenaza para la seguridad pública o nacional. Se estima que alrededor de 500,000 personas pueden...