1)CompletedApplicationForm; 2)ValidPassportandPhotocopyofbiodatapage; 3)EmploymentLetter/LetterfromEducationalInstitution 4)BankStatement; 5)LetterofInvitationfromhost; 6)ValidreturnAirlineTicketorFlightItinerarytoplaceofresidence; 7)One(1)recentpassportsizedcolourphotograph; ...
Check out our website and get detailed information on how to write a TN visa letter, employer letter, visa renewal and employment letter with our expert guidance.
Completed application form A letter of invitation from the sponsor company A letter from your employer confirming your employment and upcoming trip And more … China Business Visa Processing Time The processing time for a business visa for China is from 2 to 5 working days from the day your vis...
3 提供工作许可 Apply working permit 4 适用为期一年的居留许可。 Apply for one year residence permit.第二种方法 1 提供就业许可证 .Apply for employment license 2 提供工作邀请函 Apply working invitation letter 3 获得个月Z字签证在本国或香港。Obtain two month Z visa at home country or ...
Payslips or employment letter:Presenting your payslips or an employment letter from your employer indicating your position, salary, and length of employment can demonstrate a stable source of income. Sponsorship letters:If someone else is financially supporting your trip, such as a family member or...
签证发给申请表 APPLICATION FOR VISA (第一页 / Page1) *签证发给认定号码 Confirmation No. ‣ 签证发给认定书持有者只需填写第1,10 和12 部分即可. 1. 个人信息 / PERSONAL DETAILS *手机号码 Cell Phone No.136***( 申请人手机 ) PHOTO 1.1 护照上的英文名/Full name in English (as shown in...
It contains samples of employment letter/accountant letter/supporting letter and links toSchengen visa application formsfor your convenience You get the address, telephone number and website of all the consulates and visa application centres for Schengen visas ...
Download Visa Interview Appointment Letter Adobe PDF (.pdf) 本文档已通过专业认证 100%可定制 这是一个数字下载 (12.58 kB) 语: English Sponsored Link 预习 ABT 模板评分: 8 无病毒。 扫描软件: Business商务HR人力资源visa签证medical医疗的Letter信policyApplication应用letters书信Appointmentinvitation letter邀请...
Checklist for Employment Visa applications 工作签证申请审核表
The military information including dates of service must also be included in the Employment History section (3.2) of your application even thought this section only requires 5 year work history. Urgent ApplicationsIf you have an urgent visa application that carries a tight deadline, CIBTvisas can ...