The DS-160 is an online application available through the U.S. Department of State, which lets people apply for temporary visas to the United States. There are many of these visas, also known as nonimmigrant visas, including visas for tourism, temporary employment, study and other business pur...
The DS 160 will “time out” approximately 20 minutes after the application has been left idle and you will lose all data entered thus far. The “time out” is designed to protect your privacy. In order to guard against possible “time out” issues you should save the application at regul...
You need to upload a digital photo to the Visa application as per given specifications. Test your photo before starting DS160. Save the DS160 form to the Desktop. Keep saving it frequently. If you don't work on it for 20 min application will expire. If you save it, you can retrieve ...
先取消预约,然后重新Start an application,填写DS-160,填写好个人信息,系统才会保留DS-160的数据。这样后续步骤时再打调取个人信息进行验证。美国签证是美国在本国或外国公民所持的护照或其他旅行证件上的签注、盖印,以表示允许其出入美国国境或者经过国境的手续,也可以说是颁发给他们的一项签注式的证明...
(1)如申请非移民签证,输入面谈地点和DS-160表格条形码编号(申请识别号码),在线查询DS-160表格及签证申请状态。选择:NONIMMIGRANT VISA(NIV),在“Select a location”里选择你申请签证的地点,然后在下面的文本框(Application ID or Case Number)里填入DS-160表格条形码编号即可以查询到您的美国签证状态查询(K1属于非移...
∙Prior travel to the U.S.; 以往的美国之行 ∙All travel to other countries in the past 5 years; and过去5年中所有的国外旅行 ∙Name of person and (if applicable) organization preparing the DS-160 application on your behalf.(如系他人代为填写)帮您填写本申请表的人和组织的名称 ...
Form DS-160, also known as the Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application, is a document required by the United States Department of State for individuals seeking nonimmigrant visas to enter the United States temporarily. It is an electronic application form that must be completed and submitted online by...
Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160)Visa, NonimmigrantPage, Confirmation
The completed DS-160 application form will generate an alpha-numeric barcode confirmation page. Print this page. The printed confirmation page is required for the interview at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate. Once you have printed the barcode confirmation page, hit the "Back" button on your web...
Step# 1. submission of the DS-160 application formStep# 2. creating the CEAC barcode, Step# 3. Payment of the application fee for the US visa, Step# 4. and scheduling the appointment dateStep# 5. Examine the status of your US visa appointment....