Results: All serious adverse events that met the Brighton Classification criteria were associated with first YF vaccinations. Sixty-two published cases (35 died) met the Brighton Collaboration viscerotropic criteria, with 32 from the US, six from Brazil, five from Peru, three from Spain, two ...
There are no unique ICD codes for YEL-AND and YEL-AVD, and laboratory and radiology data were not available in the claims databases to confirm whether the outcomes met the CDC YFVSWG or the Brighton Collaboration case definitions [2], [15]. As such, the outcomes were referred to as ‘...
Results: All serious adverse events that met the Brighton Classification criteria were associated with first YF vaccinations. Sixty-two published cases (35 died) met the Brighton Collaboration viscerotropic criteria, with 32 from the US, six from Brazil, five from Peru, three from Spain, two ...