Which of the following groups contains the smallest living organisms? a) Bacteria. b) Viruses. c) Prions. d) Protists. e) fungi. Organism: An organism refers to a living, self-sustaining system of organisms capable of interacting with their...
Some viruses that form regular structures that are constructed using icosahedral symmetry principles do not possess true icosahedral symmetry. In such cases they are said to have pseudo-triangulation numbers. Examples are described later. Structural studies of viruses have shown that the capsid proteins...
a, Visual schematic of the sampled microbial mat. Sampling locations are illustrated on the basis of the three main colours (orange, yellow and white) observed during sampling. Distances and shapes are approximate and were reconstructed using the high-resolution videos and photos taken during the R...
aGeographic distribution of genomes in the MPGD. Each point represents a geographic site, and the colour indicates the genome derived environment: seawater, sediment, both or others (information unavailable). The map was drawn using the R package maps (3.4.1)126, in which the “world” data ...
All these viruses seem to constitute a group of their own and are known to possess at least the following common properties: 1) size 80-160 mμ; 2) characteristic surface structure; 3) sensitivity to lipid solvents; 4) ribonucleic acid content; 5) low density of infectious units (1.18-...
They may possess membranes but do not have any cytoplasm or metabolism of their own. Therefore, they must penetrate host cells where their nucleic acid directs the replication of viral macromolecular components which are then assembled into new viruses....
Molecular Evolution of H6 Influenza Viruses from Poultry in Southeastern China: Prevalence of H6N1 Influenza Viruses Possessing Seven A/Hong Kong/156/97 (H... The A/teal/Hong Kong/W312/97 (H6N1) influenza virus and the human H5N1 and H9N2 influenza viruses possess similar genes encoding interna...
most thyroidologists use the following terms: i/Infectious thyroiditis (which includes all forms of infection, other than viral); ii/Subacute thyroiditis (also called subacute granulomatous thyroiditis and which causes acute illness with severe thyroid pain); iii/Autoimmune thyroid disease which includes...
these viruses retained avian-like receptor specificity, did not possess molecular markers of mammalian adaptation, or the ability to transmit between ferrets. Clade viruses have thus far been associated with infections within a European mink farm27, spread among aquatic mammals in the Americ...
Following its entry into the host cell, DENV takes advantage of the cellular secretory pathway to produce new infectious particles. The key organelle of the host cell in DENV infections is the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) which supports various stages throughout the entire life cycle of flaviviruses...