The central pentamer shares “arms” with six neighboring pentamers. (C) A single VP1 subunit, viewed normal to the pentamer axis. The N-terminal domain is green, the C-terminal domain is yellow, and the β sandwich is shown as arrows of blue and red. The central yellow C-terminal ...
In particular, the interactions between pathogens and the immune system can be viewed as an ecological system within the body of an organism. Specifically, the area of population ecology or population dynamics has relevance. Several species of immune cells interact with populations of pathogens in ...
We hypothesized that broader host range viruses may be prevalent in biofilms dominated by syntrophic metabolisms due to extended contact with phylogenetically diverse microbes and limited host and viral dispersal and/or habitat range caused by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and spatial heterogenei...
Although the cytotoxic effects of viruses are usually viewed in terms of pathogenicity, it is possible to harness this activity for therapeutic purposes. Viral genomes are highly versatile, and can be modified to direct their cytotoxicity towards cancer cells. These viruses are known as oncolytic vi...
Graphene, a carbon-based substance with a dense honeycomb crystal structure, has a huge surface area, good mechanical strength, and outstanding electrical conductivity. Thus, it favours electrochemical responses when deposited on an electrode. GO undergoes rapid agglomeration, while rGO can be stored ...
Genetic disease in differentiated organisms may be viewed as an unavoidable price to pay to ensure a source of genome fluidity for long-term survival. Gene therapy is a growing field of research in molecular medicine, whose aim is the supply of a functional gene into human cells for the ...
"This work demonstrated that in order to maintain a balance with viruses, bats may have evolved to dampen certain pathways," Zhou said. According to researchers, in humans and other mammals, an immune-based over-response to one of these and other pathogenic viruses can trigger severe illness....
The apparent rarity of genetic recombination by RNA viruses contrasts with the frequent generation of defective interfering (DI) RNA, which can be viewed as one form of nonhomologous recombination. DI RNA has been demonstrated in almost every RNA virus. Therefore, RNA-RNA recombination theoretically...
Viruses have infected Bolt's products and need to be removed. Removing every single one from a product will reward you with a shiny collectible card, which can be viewed from one of the stores many card display stands. Coins Coins can be used to hire Mr Coins staff members for your own...
Antonio Chiocca Although the cytotoxic effects of viruses are usually viewed in terms of pathogenicity, it is possible to harness this activity for therapeutic purposes. Viral genomes are highly versatile, and can be modified to direct their cytotoxicity towards cancer cells. These viruses are known...