Viruses and bacteria are two types of potentially disease-causing (pathogenic) particles. Viruses are much smaller than bacteria and can't reproduce without the assistance of a host. Bacteria are capable of reproducing on their own. The symptoms of viral and bacterial illnesses are sometimes similar...
Complications that may lead to a fatal outcome include: (1) secondary bacterial infection, nurtured by the accumulation of fluid and necrotic debris in the airways, (2) infection and destruction of the lung parenchyma and alveolar epithelium (interstitial pneumonia), and/or (3) blockage of ...
Zika can be spread through sex, usually after a person travels to an area where Zika has broken out and contracted the virus. Infected women and men can both pass the virus to sex partners -- even if they haven’t shown symptoms of infection, according to the CDC. In addition, infected...
The injection may either prevent measles or keep your measles symptoms from being severe. If your measles causes a bacterial infection, such as an ear infection or pneumonia, your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic to help treat it. At home, you can help ease your measles symptoms with: ...
The classic description of influenza pneumonia was by Louria and colleagues[17]after the 1957 to 1958H2N2pandemic. Lower tract disease was classified into four categories: (1) no radiographic pneumonia; (2) viral infection followed bybacterial pneumonia; (3) rapidly progressiveviral pneumonia; and...
History Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection is widespread, with approximately 90% of adults exhibiting serological evidence of prior exposure. While many infections are asymptomatic, when symptoms do occur, they typically manifest after an incubation period of 4 to 6 weeks. Common symptoms include fat...
(eFig. 32-11). The classic description is of an influenza illness followed by a period of improvement, usually lasting 4 to 14 days. Recrudescence of fever is associated with symptoms and signs of bacterial pneumonia such as cough, sputum production, and an area of consolidation detected on ...
The phenotype of these mutations can be suppressed by propagation of a virus in a cell (bacterial or, more recently, animal) with altered suppressor tRNAs. Nonsense mutations are rarely leaky (i.e., the normal function of the protein is completely obliterated) and can only revert to wild-...
Virus - Annotated classification: DNA viruses Family Poxviridae Large viruses of complex structure with dimensions of 400 × 250 nm, the genome of which is linear double-stranded DNA. Virions contain at least 40 proteins and lipids, as well as internal
Most people do not have any signs or symptoms of a BKV infection. The virus normally remains inactive in your body when your immune system is strong. If your immune system becomes weak, the virus may become active and you may have any of the following:...