McAfee VirusScan for Mac的系统需求如下,这些只是最低要求,实际需求可能会因具体使用环境而有所不同。对于处理器,它支持基于Intel或PowerPC的Mac设备。内存方面,至少需要1GB的RAM,但推荐的配置则是500MB以上。在磁盘空间方面,至少需要300MB,推荐的容量则更为充足。在操作系统方面,推荐使用Mac OS ...
McAfee VirusScan for Mac是一款强大的安全解决方案,专为Mac OS X和Microsoft Windows用户设计。它具备独特的拦截功能,无论威胁是已知的还是未知的,无论是针对操作系统本身的病毒、间谍软件、广告软件还是恶意代码,McAfee都能有效地识别并阻止。在用户安全部署Mac设备的过程中,McAfee VirusScan扮演了关键...
Make sure your Mac is free of infected files. Don't put your friends and family at risk by unknowingly passing along malware. Features: - Detects both OS X malware and Windows viruses; - Before a scan, it updates to detect the latest malware; ...
O Bitdefender Virus Scanner for Mac descobre o malware do Mac assim como também os vírus de Windows, com facilidade. Verifique aplicativos em execução, locais críticos, um local específico ou o sistema completo - o motor premiado Bitdefender irá encontrar o malware. De graça!
McAfee VirusScan for Mac, free and safe download. McAfee VirusScan latest version: Quickly scan any file for viruses.
McAfee VirusScan Uninstaller for Mac, free and safe download. McAfee VirusScan Uninstaller latest version: Remove all traces of McAfee VirusScan from
For free! Make sure your Mac is free of infected files. Don't put your friends and family at risk by unknowingly passing along malware. Features: - Detects both OS X malware and Windows viruses; - Before a scan, it updates to detect the latest malware; - Searches for malware even in ...
But don’t just take our word for it. The UI for your software - amazing. Great work over the years. Can't say enough good things! Ryan R. Thank you, Avast, for the excellent work you do. I run your antivirus software on both my Mac OS X and my Windows machines. You have the...
Start by downloading an antivirus program like McAfee Total Protection that has Mac-specific antivirus capabilities. Once installed, you will be able to scan your Mac for threats in a variety of ways, including on-demand, in real-time and via a schedule you set. Then, you can setup your...