The meaning of MORAL VIRTUE is a virtue concerned with the practical life (as liberality or gentleness) or with the vegetative and appetitive (as temperance or self-control) —contrasted with intellectual virtue.
The meaning of MORAL VIRTUE is a virtue concerned with the practical life (as liberality or gentleness) or with the vegetative and appetitive (as temperance or self-control) —contrasted with intellectual virtue.
nounA particular moral excellence: as, thevirtueof temperance or of charity. nounSpecifically, female purity; chastity. nounAny good quality, merit, or admirable faculty. nounAn inherent power; a property capable of producing certain effects; strength; force; potency; efficacy; influence, especially...
(n.)A particular moral excellence; as, the virtue of temperance, of charity, etc. (n.)One of the orders of the celestial hierarchy. (n.)Excellence; value; merit; meritoriousness; worth. (n.)Specifically: Chastity; purity; especially, the chastity of women; virginity. ...
Phraseby virtue of(early 13c.) preserves a Middle English sense of "efficacy, inherent power," a property capable of producing certain effects. The 14c. Wycliffe Bible hasvirtuewhere KJV usespower. Theseven cardinal virtues(early 14c.) were natural (justice, prudence, temperance, fortitude) and...
(especially among the scholastics) any moral virtue of which humankind is capable, especially the cardinal virtues: justice, temperance, prudence, and fortitude. Discover More Example Sentences Instead of following the rigid training and rituals required by Confucius, they sought to liberate the natura...
cardinal virtue- one of the seven preeminent virtues hope- one of the three Christian virtues faith,religion,religious belief- a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny; "he lost his faith but not his morality" ...
, the veins in vertebrate embryos, which run each side of the vertebral column and returm the blood to the heart. They remain through life in some fishes. Cardinal virtues, pre["e]minent virtues; among the ancients, prudence, justice, temperance, and fortitude. Cardinal winds, winds which ...
cardinal virtues,Ancient Philosophy.justice, prudence, temperance, and fortitude. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofcardinal virtue1 Middle Englishword dating back to1300–50 Discover More Example Sentences Economy with the good old soul was a cardinal virtue, waste a deadly sin. ...
Greek thinkers such as Plato and Socrates pronounced certain traits – namely prudence, temperance, fortitude and justice – to be basic, or “natural,” virtues for all men. Roman and Medieval Christian thinkers agreed that these were to be pursued. "And now these three remain: faith, hope ...