摘要: This article has no associated abstract. ( fix it ) 关键词: virtue ethics moral reflection, a central place for “virtues” virtue ethics, roots in ancient Greek philosophy Nicomachean Ethics, exercise of virtues DOI: 10.1002/9780470670606.wbecc1442 被引量: 70 收藏...
Literature & MedicineMcCoy, M. B. (2013). Wounded heroes: Vulnerability as a virtue in ancient Greek literature and philosophy. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.Berzins McCoy, M. 2013. Wounded Heroes: Vulnerability as Virtue in Ancient Greek Literature and Philosophy. Oxford University Press....
their seeking for the truth for getting knowledge, and seeking for the knowledge for revealing the truth. To Greek, the philosophy was a base of every discipline of science. Till to the Heidegger one of the 20th century’s philosopher in west, still...
Against Virtue: A Deontological Critique of Virtue Theory in Medical Ethics Ferngren and Amundsen, in the first essay in this volume, make clear the dramatic contrast between the classical Homeric virtues in Greek thought and the major gentle virtues of the Christian tradition. The Homeric hero ...
…good man cannot be harmed; virtue, in other words, is by itself sufficient for happiness. That doctrine played a central role in a school of thought, founded by Diogenes of Sinope, that had an enduring influence on Greek and Roman philosophy: Cynicism. Like Socrates, Diogenes was concerned...
In 1958 Elisabeth Anscombe criticized modern moral philosophy’s pre-occupation with alaw conception of ethics. b. Williams Williams criticized how moral philosophy had developed. He drew a distinction between morality and ethics. Moralityis characterized mainly by the work of Kant and notions such ...
Ch 6. Greek Classical Period Ch 7. The Hellenistic Period Ch 8. Ancient Greek Philosophy The Birth of Philosophy: The Presocratics 17:33 Greek Philosophy | Origin, Philosophers & Influences 6:43 Platonic Idealism in Philosophy | Overview & Examples 15:06 Socrates | History, Philosophy & ...
What is intuitionism in ethics? What is the difference between ethics and integrity? Explain what it means to be an ethical person? What does it mean to be virtuous in philosophy? What are the sources of moral theology? Does virtue ethics care about impartiality?
Temperance (Sophrosyne in Greek) is the practice of moderation. It was one of the four "cardinal" virtues held to be vital to society in Hellenic culture. It is one of the Four Cardinal Virtues considered central to Christian behaviour by the Catholic Church[1] and is an important tenet ...
Epicurus states that all virtues are consequent forms of discretion or prudence in determining the best interest of oneself. Moreover, virtue is the... Learn more about this topic: Greek Philosophy | Origin, Philosophers & Influences from