(2006), `Applying Virtue Ethics to Our Treatment of the Other Animals', in J. Welchman (ed.) The Practice of Virtue: Classic and Contemporary Readings in Virtue Ethics. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing.Hursthouse, R. (2006). Applying virtue ethics to our treatment of the other animals. In...
Essentially, in order for positive change in the treatment, views, and protection of animals to occur more rapidly and thoroughly, we should begin focusing on curing the disease and not simply the symptoms. I will set an alternative approach to the movement by including virtue ethics, and from...
Philosophers on why be moral Michael Lacewing Religious Language Michael Lacewing
This response challenges Malón’s virtue ethics, as applied to child–adult sexual relationships, in three ways: (1) by contesting the view that sex is an exceptional aspect of morality, to which a virtue approach needs to be applied; (2) by contesting the view that virtue ethics succeed,...
theNicomachean Ethics, we praise or blame people depending on their virtuous or vicious behaviour, and we do that because we hold them responsible for their actions. Of course, one can only be responsible for something that one has control over.Ergo, virtues are traits of character that we ...
Medicine rests upon four pillars—philosophy, astronomy, alchemy, and ethics. The first pillar is the philosophical knowledge of earth and water; the second, astronomy, supplies its full understanding of that which is of fiery and airy nature; the third is an adequate explanation of the ...
In case you are not tired of thinking about the issues raised by Henry Rosemont’s and Roger Ames’s defense of “role ethics,” I’d like to offer one more perspective on the matter. Rosemont and Ames see Confucian role ethics as a full-scale replacement to the current moral theories ...
Animals, or more accurately, nonhuman animals, are not treated with the same moral consideration as are humans. While this reality is BUTLER JOURNAL OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH, VOLUME 7 2 thought of as fact rather than ethical dilemma, few have confronted animal ethics with the same severity as ...
However, an analysis of recent discourse in environmental virtue ethics shows that the treatment of solidarity as an environmental virtue is rather thin in the literature. Nevertheless, with the development of solidarity and the expanding notion of the common good, inclusive of the planetary commons,...
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