To make it run on a new host you will need to add it first to the register by clicking onMachine -> Add...or use hotkeys Ctrl+A and then browse to.vboxfile that contains configuration or use command lineVBoxManage registervmfilename.vbox ...
if you want to switch to different windows manager, you need create ~/.xsession and/or ~/.xsessionrc config the i3 * If you choose the Virtualbox Hotkey (Mouse Integration), then the win key (as modi) can not work. So choose Alt as modi is safe. but Alt is also for open menu...
Click theSwitchbutton on the dialog, then you can see the macOS virtual machine’s screen will be changed to fit the virtual machine’s window size. You can press thehost key + Cto change the macOS virtual machine’s screen mode betweenscaled modeandnormal mode. Do not check theDo not s...
No splash screens, no tray icon, no global hotkeys, C++. You can find more info in this thread. The latest version can be downloaded from here. I will post updates in the thread linked above. "Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do...
If you are installing macOS Mojave on VirtualBox on Windows and you are stuck to a point where your mouse & keyboard is not working, so you are in the right place because here I will show you how to fix this issue which most of the people might face. So make sure to follow the st...