LSI公司独有的一项创新技术,即虚拟管线技术(Virtual Pipeline),为数据处理领域带来了革命性的改变。这项专利技术的核心在于,它能够对每个数据包进行精细分类,并根据这些分类决策,灵活地决定数据包在离开ACP之前通过何种路径,或者如何路由到CPU核心。这种设计的灵活性体现在每个数据包或通讯媒体流都可以...
然而,Axxia平台的硬件加速引擎以及硬件可编程的Virtual Pipeline提供了显著的优势,能够显著减少软件编程的工作量,并保证性能的高度确定性。例如,通过Virtual Pipeline技术,接收到的以太网流量首先会被发送到解密引擎进行加密解密,接着被路由到内容检查引擎,对可能存在的病毒、垃圾邮件或恶意内容进行过滤。如...
商标名称 虚拟管线 VIRTUAL PIPELINE 国际分类 第39类-运输贮藏 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 15653420 申请日期 2014-11-05 申请人名称(中文) 蚂蚁能源服务有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 海南省洋浦经济开发区新英湾区保税港区2号办公楼C578室 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审...
Encoding or decoding video information can involve, for example, partitioning a coding unit of the video information using a partitioning based on a modification of a constraint on partitioning that is associated with a pipeline configuration for reconstruction of the coding unit, where the ...
We also present an approach using morphing to map a large virtual pipeline onto a small physical pipeline, and the trade-offs involved are discussed. Introduction Pipeline architectures are commonly used in high-performance designs. This paper introduces morphing, a technique for enhancing the ...
Your question I'm using tools/checkpoint/ to convert a llama model to mcore model format for training. The tools/checkpoint/ support virtual pipeline model loading, but tools/checkpoint/ doesn't sup...
CNG Direct natural gas delivery trucked direct to your location. RNG and CNG transportation services for customers who are disconnected from traditional pipeline infrastructure. As long as there's a road, we can supply natural gas fuel to you. Using CNG
applied to linear and mesh pipelines at both word-level and bit-level, and explain how this method can be implemented using Xilinx 6200 FPGAs. We also present an approach using morphing to map a large virtual pipeline onto a small physical pipeline, and the trade-offs involved are discussed...
虚拟管线技术(Virtual Pipeline)是LSI公司的专利技术。它根据对每个数据包制定的各种分类决策,每个数据包或通讯媒体流在离开ACP 之前都可经过引擎与CPU 核心的任意路由组合。这种灵活性非常强大与便捷,有利于设计流经器件的通讯流。基本信息 图:LSI的Virtual Pipeline消息传输专利技术 三种技术的对比 图:三种不同片上...