1.1关键:模拟了淘宝中的customer和interaction Virtual Taobao simulates the customers, items, and recommendation system. Using VirtualTaobao simulator, one canaccess a "live" environmentjust like the real Taobao environment.Virtual customers will be generated once at a time, the virtual customerstarts a ...
VirtualTaobao This project provides VirtualTaobao simulators trained from the real-data ofTaobao, one of the largest online retail platforms. In Taobao, when a customer entered some query, the recommondation system returns a list of items according to the query and the customer profile. The syste...
Virtual Com Port Virtual Com Port(简称VCP),虚拟串口,是使用特殊芯片(例如CH340)的USB转RS232线。设备简介 在Windows中将该设备识别为VCPX,其中X为设备序号。
The results disclose that Virtual Taobao faithfully recovers important properties of the real environment. We also show that the policies trained in Virtual Taobao can have significantly superior online performance to the traditional supervised approaches. We hope our work could shed some light on ...
我当时背这个单词的时候是这么想的,taobao is a virtual mall 淘宝是一个虚拟商城,你也可以翻译成...
Now days, virtual(虚拟的) products have become a 1 trend(潮流) on Taobao. On June 9, the topic of "Have you bought virtual mosquitoes(蚊子) for your friends" started a discussion on Weibo. If you buy virtual mosquitoes for your friend, someone will call your friend on 2 and buzz(嗡嗡...
虚拟家庭 Virtual Families Lite 虚拟家庭是一款休闲的家庭模拟游戏。它是一个隐藏在你手机里的小世界,和真实的时间同步运行。你需要通过养育一些小人,帮助他们结婚生子,组织家庭,并将房屋世代相传下去。
VirtualTaobao This project provides VirtualTaobao simulators trained from the real-data ofTaobao, one of the largest online retail platforms. In Taobao, when a customer entered some query, the recommondation system returns a list of items according to the query and the customer profile. The syste...