It might sound fancy, but after a while, your teams might learn to really enjoy them. After sharing some examples, each person writes a haiku that reflects their mood, their life on the outside, or even the meeting’s theme. Trying new forms of expression adds a creative touch and ...
The sight of birds sitting on a snowy tree branch and the sound of their songs and calls bring joy in the depth of winter. Though many birds migrate to warmer climes before the snow falls, some hardy birds have ways to cope with the cold and to find food year-round. The booklets of ...
The stamp showcases Atlanta-based artist Ross Rossin’s 2013 48” x 48” oil-on-canvas portrait of Angelou. The large hyper-realistic painting is part of the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery’s collection, where it will be on display through Nov. 1. The stamp features this quotation by...
The prohibition against political activity extends not merely to formal announcement of candidacy but also to the preliminaries leading to such announcement and to canvassing or soliciting support or doing or permitting to be done any act in furtherance of candidacy. The fact that candidacy, is ...
Finally, more intensive tools have been suggested, such as Ikei et al.’s (2013) virtual experience system for digital museums, which uses “a three-dimensional visual display, a spatial sound, a haptic/tactile display for a hand and foot, a wind and scent display, and a vestibular displa...
A demonstrator tool of web-based virtual reality for participatory evaluation of urban sound environment. Landsc. Urban Plan. 2018, 170, 276–282. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Lu, X.; Davis, S. How sounds influence user safety decisions in a virtual construction simulator. Saf. Sci. 2016,...
To ensure an accurate spatial reproduction of the sound field in VR for HA users, multi-speaker-based systems can be employed to auralize a given environment. However, most systems require a lot of effort due to cost, size, and construction. This work deals with the validation of a VR-...
While virtual environments must address the concept of embodiment (or how real it feels to exist in the simulated space) and levels of realism, virtual environments have been found to allow for the controlled adjustment of dynamic visual and auditory variables through movement, light and sound ...