Overview of Igrad Virtual Academy School Igrad Virtual Academy School is ranked 292nd within Georgia. The total minority enrollment is 34%, and 17% of students are economically disadvantaged. Igrad Virtual Academy School is 1 of 7 high schools in the Cherokee County...
Washington, DC Support students with disabilities through tailored instruction and assessment, create an engagingvirtualclassroom environment, communicate regularly with families, and collaborate with staff to enhance student learning experiences. Middle School Special Education Resource Teacher (Multiple Subjects...
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School of the Museum of Fine Arts Link MA Boston Simmons University Link MA Boston Suffolk University Link MA Boston Tufts University Link MA Medford University of Massachusetts-Amherst Link MA Amherst University of Massachusetts-Lowell Link MA Lowell Wellesley College Link MA Wellesley Wentworth Institu...
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How did the virtual aspect of the Freedom School influence your teaching practices? Probe: What opportunities did this present? Probe: What challenges did this present? Probe: What worked well? How did you identify these practices? What made you feel like this worked well? Probe: Was there an...
Dade Elementary School 306 Wolverine Dr, Trenton, GA 30752 (15 miles) Nolan Elementary 4435 Shackleford Ridge Rd, Signal Mountain, TN 37377 (16 miles) Fairyland Elementary School 1306 Lula Lake Rd, Lookout Mountain, GA 30750 (17 miles) Lookout Mountain Elementary 321 N Bragg Ave, Lookout MTN...
History curriculum of Georgia Virtual School through Critical Race Theory, and contributes to the nascent literature on social studies online instruction. The results from this study illustrate a picture of Georgia Virtual School (GAVS) that coincides with research on race and racism in social ...
Student interaction and the role of the teacher in a state virtual high school: what predicts online learning satisfaction? Techn., Pedag. Educ., 29 (2020), pp. 57-71 CrossrefGoogle Scholar [8] N. Cavus, A.S. Sani, Y. Haruna, A.A. Lawan Efficacy of social networking sites for sust...
Frank has a daughter Kristen who is a busy school teacher and has limited time to chat and visit with her dad. Similarly, Frank’s son Patrick lives out of town, he is busy raising a family of his own and has trouble finding time to visit his dad. Frank’s social isolation is ...