and face a looming mental health crisis. Virtual reality offers a safe and practical solution to increase nature exposure. This research examined the effects of virtual nature using a within-subject design with young adults (Study 1) and senior ...
Given the increasing sophistication of virtual reality systems in providing immersive nature experiences, there is the potential for analogous health benefits to those that arise from real nature experiences. We call for research to better understand the human–nature–technology interaction to overcome ...
Virtual Reality is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes original research on Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality. Established in 1995, the journal ...
Virtual reality (VR) has emerged as a promising tool in the field of mental health. Central to this technology are immersive environments, which enable exposure to highly controlled virtual experiences that feel real. In this Review, we elaborate on the active elements of immersive experiences and...
Fox Searchlight and its partners have created "Wild -- TheExperience," a three-minute,...Cieply, Michael
Starting this week, I’ll be releasing a new 360° (or 3D Virtual Reality) video every day for 360 days. To make sure you all enjoy it, you can watch and listen to our 360 videos on your smartphone, tablet, computer, or even your Virtual Reality Headset!
using the modality of walking through a real-world building. Our expectation is that walking in the real world provides maximal sensory cues that could be achieved in immersive virtual reality, including full haptic, locomotor and proprioceptive experience of the environment. The second condition is...
walks, regardless of the home-range constraint. Despite this constancy, efficient home-range foraging trajectories were less diffusive by virtue of restricting locomotive search and spending more time instead scanning the environment to plan movement and detect far-away resources. Altogether, results ...
FreemoVR is a virtual reality system for freely moving animals. The versatile platform is demonstrated in various experiments with Drosophila, zebrafish, and mice. Standard animal behavior paradigms incompletely mimic nature and thus limit our understand
The nature of reality: Human stress recovery during exposure to biodiverse, multisensory virtual environments International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (2020), p. 56 Google Scholar Schonberg, 2019 L. Schonberg Amplifying the tropical ants