a virtual reality (VR)-aided deep-learning pipeline for detecting c-Fos+cells in cleared mouse brains (Fig.1a) that can be extended to other cell types. We generated high-quality annotations of light-sheet microscopy data of cleared whole mouse brains stained for c-Fos in a VR environment...
Prediger C, Helmer SM, Hrynyschyn R, Stock C (2021) Virtual reality-based alcohol prevention in adolescents: a systematic review. Adolescents 1:138–150 32. Durl J, Trischler J, Dietrich T (2017) Co-designing with young consumers—reflections, challenges and benefits. Young Consumers 18:439...
Keywords: LGBTQIA+;sexual and gender minorities;adolescents;virtual reality;alcohol prevention;gender;gender-sensitive;thematic analysis