然而,支持路径分裂的算法更节省底层资源。 (中间一段在纸上) 5.定制的节点匹配 虽然虚拟网络可以有任意的拓扑,我们仍然希望有一些拓扑相对常用,因为它们满足了网络虚拟化中的主要应用。例如:环形拓扑用于将多个站点链接到中心服务器,如游戏或者CDN(Content Distribution Network,内容分发网络);树形拓扑一般用于将内容分发...
Heuristic Solutions of Virtual Network Embedding: A Survey Network virtualization(NV) is considered as an enabling tool to remove the gradual ossification of current Internet. In the network virtualization environment, a set of heterogeneous virtual networks(VNs), isolated from each other, share... ...
Virtual network embedding, which means mapping virtual networks requested by users to a shared substrate network maintained by an Internet service provider, is a key function that network virtualization needs to provide. Prior work on virtual network embedding has primarily focused on maximizing the rev...
Introduction and related work 云数据中心对于虚拟技术是理想的创新地方。 可生存性虚拟网络映射(surviavable virtual network embedding SVNE),保证虚拟网络在所映射物理节点原件失效时能正常运行。通常有两种方法:防护机制和恢复机制。 先前的对于SVNE的研究完全等价对待节点和连接而忽略拓扑和控制路径的丢失几率,而假定...
network virtualization; cloud computing; virtual network embedding; topology-aware; random walk; markov chain; 机译:网络虚拟化;云计算;虚拟网络嵌入;拓扑感知随机漫步马可夫链; 入库时间 2022-08-17 13:33:31 相似文献 外文文献 中文文献 专利 1. Node-Fusion: Topology-aware virtual network embeddi...
A major challenge in virtual network embedding is to find an efficient mapping of each virtual network (VN) to the nodes and links in the substrate network (SN) so that the residual SN can host as many VN requests as possible. This network optimization problem has been shown to be NP har...
Network virtualization is a vital technology that helps overcome shortcomings such as network ossification of the current Internet architecture. However, virtual network embedding (VNE) involving the allocation of resources for heterogeneous virtual network requests (VNRs) on the substrate network (SN) is...
Network virtualization provides a promising tool for next-generation network management by allowing multiple heterogeneous virtual networks to run on a sha
Network virtualization is a vital technology that helps overcome shortcomings such as network ossification of the current Internet architecture. However, virtual network embedding (VNE) involving the allocation of resources for heterogeneous virtual network requests (VNRs) on the substrate network (SN) is...