This paper explores the viability of Interactive Virtual Learning (IVL) programs to gauge the interests, preferences, and needs of the older adults. The authors drew from personal experiences presenting such programs to seniors and held focus groups with past participants to craft a survey. Seniors...
This intervention program is aimed at seniors and imparts the skills required to create new social contacts and strengthen the relationship to the existing social circle. In this contribution we present the technical infrastructure of V2me and how it is used to tackle the presented challenges. ...
Ollie is a big VTuber fan with so much knowledge on her seniors that she is able to imitate them quite well. She also describes herself as a simp and listed simping as one of her hobbies during her debut stream. Her passion and respect for her senpais leads her to react very excitedly...
(2015). Ergonomic Criteria for Creating Online Educational Games for Seniors. In: Sourina, O., Wortley, D., Kim, S. (eds) Subconscious Learning via Games and Social Media. Gaming Media and Social Effects. Springer, Singapore 김민영, 이기석, 최진성, 김현빈 and 박...
"Virtual Links" support cross-generational communication and learning, as well as enabling access for mobile workers to the knowledge of experienced seniors not physically present.关键词: Practical/ knowledge based systems mobile computing/ virtual link intergenerational learning golden link experience based...
As a director, making your class or program for seniors as easy to navigate as possible will maximize their experience and create a more engaged community. Despite being on the “nth” month of self-quarantine, these virtual programs will help boost their quality of life by keeping them ...
(FOX 2) - For parents, students and teachers, navigating the new normal of virtual learning is a big challenge. And with everyone online the risk of falling victim to scams or hacks is real. We talk with cyber risk expert from Burns & Wilcox David Derigiotis about what students, parents...
Mostly the seniors in the groups performed the exercises all at once and without a break as a matter of course. Newcomers may be prone to overestimating themselves; especially in cases of chronic pain, over-ambitiousness can lead to severe pain. The patients should learn for their everyday ...
Research has also documented associations between seniors' participation in the arts and improvedmobilityandvocal health. Before the pandemic erupted, we had started leading a program,Rise, Shine, Sing!, that created opportunities for local citizens typically excluded from the creation ofmusictheater due...
Elder Care Connections of Vermontoffers solutions to any concerns you have regarding your own aging or helping a loved one to age with dignity, safety and an optimal quality of life. If you are stressed about caring for yourself or an elderly family member, you are in the right place. We...