With the ideas listed below, employees can easily bond virtually with their coworkers. From online games to trivia and quizzes – this virtual event will celebrate our upcoming holidays. Perfect for a team event anytime this Spring! ⭐️ Try out a theme with this online event: Ugly Swea...
Cookie Conundrum – Luke made 42 holiday cookies. He brought half of them to his office. He ate one third of the cookies that were left. Then he gave 8 cookies to his neighbor. He left the rest of the cookies out for Santa. How many cookies did Santa get? Elf Yourself –...
Have a Round on Your Employees – The aim of conducting a virtual team quiz is to engage your employees and create better teams. So, there must be at least one quiz round about the employees in each of your quiz sessions. Have such a quiz mention multiple employees and their office quirk...
Even when you work in the same office or the same building, an online meeting would always prove to be a feasible way, as it saves much of the time of employees and costs of administration. Table of Contents: Virtual Meeting Platforms – Review List of the Best Online Meeting Software Com...
This course is suitable for a variety of people, such as: Existing secretaries or PAs looking to upgrade their skills and obtain certification Experienced people from other sectors looking for a career change Company employees looking for related training Graduates of the Souters’ PA course or simi...
The training industry has started to embrace the opportunities VR learning brings, with companies like Bank of America sourcing 10,000 headsets, and Walmart offering VR training to its 1mn employees. With VR, people can learn through experience in a risk-free space; it’s consistent, affordable...
The purpose of this research being done is to prove that there are challenges facing virtual employees that impact or close relationship to employees' satisfaction virtual office concept being implemented in the ABC Company at Damansara, Petaling Jaya. The study is based upon the responses to a qu...
Make your employees’ voices louder, clearer and more actionable than ever before *First Name: *Last Name: *Business Email: Phone Number: Company: *Location: Yes, I’d also like to receive additional information about WTW offerings. For more information on how we handle your personal informatio...
Events Colorado Springs' Newest Destination Takes Meetings and Events to new heights By Featured Venues & Destinations Destinations Discover the Secret to Your Group's Private Hotel By Featured Venues & Destinations Events How Micro Events Can Have a Major Impact ...
All your classic work celebration ideas whether it be a night out or an office party, have all left us searching for other alternatives. We have some tried and true virtual celebrations for employees to bring all the best experiences to you remotely. ...