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(No longer maintained :warning:) Let your virtual, personal agent find and apply to jobs for you! Including writing your Resume and Cover Letter! (1st place winner at Volta Hackathon, May 2016) - VirtualAgent/data/unique_keywords.json at master · Glavin
Easy to use virtual event templates and stages provided, or upload your own designs, or let us create custom stages and virtual event sets for your brand. Continuous Engagement Produce highly interactive events that encourage ongoing interaction before, during, and after your events, regardless ...
We designed network-invokable controls on top of the EZ-Builder framework to enable easy creation and playback of movements. We powered the robot using 8 v 1800 mA Li-Po battery (approx. 25 min of continuous use). 3.2 HapticHydra (HH) Design objective The objective of the HapticHydra (...
When the identity of the character and the user merge into one, the VR game becomes more than a game. It can be a powerful confidence and self-esteem builder. It can also build resilience and visual muscle growth. All up, VR gaming is all about psychological gains and boosting brain powe...
Anatomy builder VR: applying a constructive learning method in the virtual reality canine skeletal system. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Los Angeles, California, USA, 17–21 July 2017; pp. 245–252. [Google Scholar] Vankipuram, A.; Khan...
For example, the Man-Machine Integration Design and Analysis Systems 2020, 8, 35 4 of 19 System (MIDAS) is a dynamic simulation scenario builder developed by NASA Ames Research center that includes cognitive workload models based on the visual, auditory, cognitive, and psychomotor (VACP) work...