今天,小子要来分享的是Mac下一款集视频、音频于一体的数字DJ软件——VirtualDJ,你可以通过它来随心所欲的控制各种输出效果,非常的自由。另外,它完美支持中文,绝对适合新手使用。 VirtualDJ强大的功能,直观的界面完全能满足各种场合的现场表演,我们不用再购买任何器材和唱碟,只要利用音乐,就可以用电脑演奏出几近专业的...
VirtualDJ 2024 Mac版是一款模拟打碟机的软件,集音频、视频功能与一体,可以让你在同一时间内容播放好几首歌,强大的功能可以满足各种场合的表演,让你成为一名专业的DJ音乐达人。虽然Virtual DJ只能支持mp3格式的使用,但是比起一般的mp3播放器起来。
virtual dj 2024 mac版是针对苹果mac os平台而开发的一款功能强大的mac dj软件,该软件集音频、视频功能于一体,能够帮助用户像专业DJ一样利用数万元设备来实现千奇百怪的混音效果。 不仅如此,virtual dj还可以进行多种视频效果添加、文字水印添加、实时切换,音频、视频、语音录制编辑、串烧制作、刻录光盘、无线广播以及...
VirtualDJ 8 Pro for Mac v8.3 中文破解版下载 DJ打碟软件 麦克先生6851浏览0评论 VirtualDJ 8 Pro for Mac 中文破解版是目前 Mac 平台上最受欢迎的 DJ 打碟软件之一,VirtualDJ 8 Pro 破解版充满了所有最新技术,可以在同一时间播放好几首歌曲,还可进行音乐串接、重新混音等,将帮助您将您的 DJ......
VirtualDJ for Mac, free and safe download. VirtualDJ latest version: DJ in real-time with just your PC. VirtualDJ is an audio and video-editing progra
DJ Bertie wrote : the SOUND INSURGENT wrote : Just had this happen to me on my MacBook last night!! The sound just started to get crackly and stutter. I did notice my cpu spike up but I just shut VDJ down and restarted. It did happen again after the restart at which I just gave...
Filename: Virtual DJ Pro Crack.exe Setup Full Size: 37.36 MB Latest Release Version Added Developers: VirtualDJ License: Freeware Product Keys: SFGS-HGDFJHNG-JNGHM-HGNMGH GFBSFG-BFGBNDFG-GJM-DHGNFG-N ADFBFG-BGHMN-FGNHM-FGHMJH-M
Virtual DJ Crack is Audio and Video mixing software used by DJs to replace their turntables and CD players, and use digital music instead of vinyl and CDs.
VirtualDJ 2024 b8350 MAC VirtualDJ is free for home use Cutting-edge features!You can domore! STAND-ALONE DJ MIXER VirtualDJ lets you start mixing as a DJ right away, with just your computer. To practice & learn, or prepare sets & playlists. VirtualDJ works for every type of DJ, wit...
請開啟 Mac App Store 以購買和下載 App。 VirtualDJ4+ Atomix Productions America Inc. 5.0 • 2 則評分 免費 簡介 With more than 150 million users, VirtualDJ is the most widely used professional DJ software on the planet. It has embodied the revolution of digital DJing since 1996, and has...