Disguise your actual credit card number Use Eno topay with virtual cardsthat help protect your credit card account from potential fraud when you shop online. Control (if you want it) Easily manage all of your virtual cards Lock, unlock or auto-lock your virtual cards at any time and enjoy...
Security:Virtual cards add another layer of protection to your credit card account in case a site where your actual credit card number is stored is ever compromised. For example, if you’re making a purchase on a website you’re not familiar with, using a virtual card can give you a boo...
你可以在 Credit Card Services->Virtual Account Number 里面找到。 你有两种方式生成虚拟卡号,你可以直接生成一张虚拟卡用来消费,也可以加支付信息下载下来,通过 auto fill 的形式使用。可以选择虚拟卡的额度和有效期。 生成完后可以看到你的虚拟卡号,过期时间,CVV。这三个信息足以网上消费了。不过 Citi...
Using Eno®, Capital One's intelligent assistant portal, you can create unique virtual card numbers that are linked to your eligible Capital One credit cards. Create a virtual number for each merchant, which Eno can save to use again in the future. When you use a virtual number that's l...
Capital One offers a virtual credit card number through Eno, its virtual assistant. You download the Eno browser extension and register your Capital One credit card through Eno. When you're ready to checkout, Eno creates a virtual credit card number for you to pay with. Eno can al...
Capital One You can get a virtual credit card number for Capital One credit cards via the Capital One website or by using the Eno assistant. TOM WERNER/GETTY IMAGES If you're willing to install the Eno browser extension, it will create virtual card numbers when you shop online from your ...
Standout benefits:Capital One cardholders can request a virtual credit card number throughEno, the issuer's browser extension. Eno allows users to create merchant-specific virtual card numbers, as well as lock, unlock or delete them at any time. ...
American Express: cardmembers of valid U.S. Amex credit cards can getvirtual card numbers. Citi: eligible cardmembers can generate arandom Citi card numberto shop online. Capital One: cardmembers can useEno(a fee browser extension) to create virtual card numbers. ...
Some Citi cards are eligible for virtual credit card numbers. Log in to your account to see if you’re eligible to enroll. Can I get a Capital One virtual credit card number? Yes, Capital One offers virtual credit card numbers through its browser extension, Eno. You can also create a vi...
https://online.citi.com/US/ag/repcard/van Citi 虚拟卡的一些特性: 最长有效期24个月。 Capital One 链接: https://www.capitalone.com/applications/eno/virtualnumbers Capital One 虚拟卡的一些特性: 最长有效期12个月。 其他小银行 提供Virtual Account Number 的银行并不多。除了 Citi 和 Capital One ...